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Then, after breakfast, the actor would sally forth for the day; would go to "do his boulevard," that is to say, to saunter to and fro between the Chateau d'Eau and the Madeline, with a toothpick in the corner of his mouth, his hat a little on one side-always gloved, and brushed, and glossy. That question of dress was of great importance in his eyes.

A pallidly glaring and shaking man, leaning against the veranda rail for support, had an oddly familiar scent and appearance to Laddie. The collie stepped forward to investigate. The nerve-smashed Higham saw him coming; and thrust out one gloved hand in frightened rebuff. The flicking gesture was unpleasantly like a blow.

"I absolve you of all responsibility. Sit down." "I believe you mentioned obedience," she answered, and sat down again at the end of the bench, resting her chin on her gloved hand, and looking at him. By this time her glances seemed to have gained a visibly disturbing effect.

She thought that Rosas must look at her, yes, at any cost; and with body inclined, her chin resting on her gloved right hand, while the other handled her fan with the skill peculiar to the Spanish women, she darted at the duke a rapid glance, a glance burning with desire and in which she expressed her whole will.

Louise, drawing on her gauntlets, came down the broad steps of the ranch-house. The November air was crisp with the tang of early morning. She was puzzled at finding Boyar and Yuma together. She noticed Boyar had trailed his bridle across the yard an unusual thing for him to do, considering his training. Louise spoke to the Yuma colt, who sniffed at her gloved hand.

"You know she may have sent you a letter or a message which miscarried. They are rather careless people at the Pension Malfait." "Yes, of course, that is always possible," said the other rather coldly. And then, as they came within sight of the Pension Malfait, Madame Wachner suddenly placed her large, powerful, bare hand on Sylvia's small gloved one.

With his eye fixed upon this solicitation for capital, wherein were the words which would formerly have repelled him: joint stock company, capital stock, public subscription, subscription certificate, and at the head of which he was about to inscribe his name as one of the directors, at the foot of a capitulation, as it were, Sulpice had not seen, standing in the doorway of his half-lighted study, a woman in travelling costume, who stopped for a moment to look at the unfortunate, dejected man within the shade of the lamp which made him look more bald than he was, then advanced gently toward him, coughing slightly for she did not dare to call him by his name or touch him with her gloved hand to warn him that she was there.

Lady Racial had a notion of some excessive niggardly thrift in the widow, which was arousing symptoms of disgust. Mrs. Harrington quietly said: 'There are his father's debts to pay, my lady. 'His father's debts! 'Under L5000, but above L4000, my lady. 'Five thousand pounds! Mrs. Harrington! The lady's delicately gloved hand gently rose and fell. 'And this poor young man 'she pursued.

And then quickly, as he seemed to have no intention of speaking to her confidentially, "I'll tell mother." Leaving the room, she saw him sink smoothly into a seat, his rich-piled hat in one gloved hand and an ebony walking-stick in the other. His presence had a disastrous effect on the chill, unfrequented drawing-room, reducing it instantly to a condition of paltry shabbiness.

Charolois will outwit King Louis, and ere the year be out, the young Margaret of England will be lady of your brave brother's sternest foe!" "And who art thou, knave?" cried Montagu, aghast, and laying his gloved hand on the bold prophet's bridle.