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Grounded in Plato and impregnated with Descartes, he became a little later thoroughly infected with the Cabalistic philosophy that had entered Europe from the East. It was the point of view that he acquired in the study of this mystic Oriental system that gave the peculiar turn to his witchcraft notions, a turn which through his own writings and those of Glanvill found wide acceptance.

Joseph Glanvill turned fiercely upon him with new proofs of what he called facts, and bequeathed the work at his death to Henry More, who in the several following editions of the Sadducismus Triumphatus attacked him with no little bitterness. We may skip over three lesser writers on witchcraft.

Glanvill, recording honestly enough what he himself had seen, could find material for a history of the most marvelous marvels.

One of the visitors was Joseph Glanvill, at this time a young man of twenty-seven, later to become a member of the Royal Society and chaplain in ordinary to the king. The spirits were less noisy; they were always somewhat restrained before visitors, but scratched on bed sheets and panted in dog fashion, till Glanvill was thoroughly taken in.

Moliere's play, Les Femmes savantes, which appeared in 1672, is one of the first indications. He was a friend and a frequent visitor at her chateau. See Maigron, Fontenelle, p. 42. The English translation of 1688 was by Glanvill. It met with the success which it deserved. It was reprinted again and again, and it was almost immediately translated into English.

York Depositions, 191-201. For a complete account of the Julian Cox case see Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, 191-209. Sussex Archaeological Collections, XVIII, 111-113. In an earlier chapter we followed the progress of opinion from James I to the Restoration.

And he really did more for the increase of knowledge and the advantage of the world by this one experiment than the numerous subtile disputers that have lived ever since the erection of the school of talking." Glanvill, however, in his complacency with what has already been accomplished, is not misled into over-estimating its importance.

Baxter had not only talked on witchcraft with Puritan ministers, but had corresponded as well with Glanvill, with whom, although Glanvill was an Anglican, he seems to have been on very friendly terms. Nor is it likely that in the many conversations he held with his neighbor, Sir Matthew Hale, the evidence from witchcraft for a spiritual world had been neglected.

Joseph Glanvill, who could also tell strange tales at first hand, and from his own experience. He had investigated the case of the disturbances in Mr. Mompesson's house at Tedworth, which began in March, 1661. These events, so famous among our ancestors, were precisely identical with what is reported by modern newspapers, when there is a 'medium' in a family.

Passing along the north side of the church, we see in the third bay from the east end, the curious shrine-like monument of dark marble, ascribed to Bishop Gilbert de Glanvill, who died in 1214. A very similar monument at Canterbury was once the subject of much discussion, but has lately been opened and proved to be the tomb of the renowned Archbishop Hubert Walter.