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These would scarce have been sufficient protection against the talons of an eagle; and Fritz would very likely have lost one of his eyes, or perhaps both of them, had it not been for an arrow springing from the bow of the shikaree; which, transfixing the great bird right through the gizzard, brought it down with a "flop" upon the surface of the earth.

"Leave it to me, Chadron; I've got my own account to square with that wolf of the range!" A sharp little silence, in which Frances could picture Chadron looking at King in his covert, man-weighing way. Then Chadron went on: "King, I've noticed now and then that you seemed to have a soft spot in your gizzard for that little girl of mine.

In all these respects, in the muscular gizzard adapted for vegetable food, in the arched beak and fleshy nostrils, short legs and form of foot, the Tinochorus has a close affinity with quails.

Nay, perhaps with some what else, as a cross-grain'd pate, a grumbling gizzard, not wel in his sences, jealous thoughts, or the actions of a Cotquean are his companions; and that is more then all these, keeps hid a certain imbecility in his defective nature; which is no waies to be discovered till the nuptial rites be absolutely celebrated.

"That was what I tried to tell Tom by motions, but he didn't seem to understand me." "No," replied the lad, who was still a little nervous from his recent experience. "I thought you meant for us to turn it over, bottom side up," and he laughed. "Bless my gizzard! Just like a shark," commented Mr. Damon. "Please don't mention them," begged Tom. "I hope we don't see any more of them."

Bimeby, we hear steps on de peazzer, en yer come a couple er young fellers wid strops on der shoulders, en der sodes a draggin' on de flo', en der spurrers a rattlin'. I won't say I wuz skeer'd," said Uncle Remus, as though endeavoring to recall something he failed to remember, "I won't say I wuz skeer'd, kaze I wuzzent; but I wuz took'n wid a mighty funny feelin' in de naberhood er de gizzard.

But we were by this time all alive again, the dullness of repletion having evaporated; and Mr Bang, I fancied, began to peer anxiously about him, and to fidget a good deal, and to murmur and grumble something in his gizzard about "arms no arms," as, feeling in his starboard holster, he detected a regular long cork of claret, where he had hoped to clutch a pistol, while in the larboard, by the praiseworthy forethought of our guide, a good roasted capon was ensconced.

Well, as I was saying, our coop was carried down the stream, Billy and I balancing ourselves on the upper roost and speaking words of comfort to cheer up each other's fast fainting gizzards. We hens have a proverb which says, 'A life without hope is an egg without a yolk, a gizzard without gravel, and that night proved the words to be true. Suddenly down went Billy into the roaring flood.

I'll carve your gizzard, you black-guardin' pirate." Inasmuch as Scraggs really did produce a knife, Mr. Gibney backed prudently away. "You're mighty quick to let bygones be bygones when you see me with a fortune in sight with you wantin' to horn in on the deal, ain't you?" the owner jeered. "You must think I'm a born fool." "I don't think it a-tall. I know it. You're worse'n a born fool.

But the following fact is more important: the crops of birds do not secrete gastric juice, and do not in the least injure, as I know by trial, the germination of seeds; now after a bird has found and devoured a large supply of food, it is positively asserted that all the grains do not pass into the gizzard for 12 or even 18 hours.