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"Honoré is goin giv her bac that proprety that is Aurore De Grapion what Agricola kill the husband." That was the whole writing, but Agricola never finished. He was reading aloud "that is Aurore De Grap "

Not only were sundry timber balks shoved up against the house outside so they couldn't constitoot a hindrance to anyone so Mr. Bartlett said when he giv' in a price for the job but the street-door wouldn't above half shet to, and all the windows had to be seen to.

"By my boy, I was giv to understand as Compeyson was out on them marshes too. Upon my soul, I half believe he escaped in his terror, to get quit of me, not knowing it was me as had got ashore. I hunted him down. I smashed his face.

While the man in the Persian dress was feeling in his sleeve for the passport, the whip-bearer turned to some comrades who had just come up, and pointed out the scanty retinue of the travellers, saying: "Did you ever see such a queer cavalcade? There's something odd about these strangers, as sure as my name's Giv.

"Malviny Higgins tossed her head an' giv me one uv her witherinest looks, but I'm not one uv the perishin' kind, so I kep on a' musin'. "'It's wonderful what a difference there is between sellin' by the poun' an' the barrel, sez I. 'It's unfortunet that there's only one way to the heavenly country, an' it's a limited express with no Pullman attached.

"What a turn you giv'! And along of nothing but little Micky from Mrs. Treadwell next door! Which most, Micky? Ale or stout?" "Most of whichever costis most," answered Michael, with simplicity. Thereon he felt himself taken by the arm, and turning, saw the man's face looking close at him. It was the sort of face that makes the end of a dream a discomfort to the awakener.

So Mary Jane never see her, and perhaps she giv' you a crooked answer, sir, if you was inquirin' of her over to the cottage." "Where's Hiram? where's your husband? Can I have his team this morning?" "I guess so," said the sympathetic Mrs. Splinter. "He'll show you the very house he druv' her to."

"I tuk off me hat an' giv' him a bow an' a scrape. 'Is it yerself would insinse me into the rudiments o' polite larnin'? says I. Thin I looked him straight into the white iv his eye, an' give him the length o' my tongue. Me blood was up whin I seen this spalpeen wid his dirty set o' vagabones waitin' to murther me if they ketched me unbeknownst.

He were a sailor and a gentleman. I don't think as we ought for to cry over sich a man, and I propose we giv' him three cheers and God bless him'; and heartier cheers was never giv' than we giv' that day, arter which all hands got dinner." Overland Monthly, January, 1870. It was called Beacon Ledge fully fifty years before the present lighthouse had been built upon it.

He wur good to my little gal, the lad wur, an' he giv' me a bit o' flower to put on the sand where she be sleepin', an' it growed an' growed an' blossomed, an' the blossom wur like a great blue eye, like my little gal's eye, an' many's the night after fishin' I've gone up ter the buryin'-place ter look at it. An' now the lad himself be gone," said Dirk, wiping his eyes and snuffling.