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"Why," said Girty, "if it will do you any good to know it, I will tell you they were; but I will add, for your particular benefit, that they will again be in my power; for I will excite every tribe of the Six Nations to the war path; and then, woe to the pioneers of Kentucky! for desolation, rapine and blood shall mark our trail, until the race become extinct. I have sworn, and will fulfill it.

Some months afterwards Simon Girty ransomed her and sent her and tried to follow the trail; but the crafty forest warriors had concealed it with such care that no effective pursuit could be made. Retaliation of the Settlers. In none of the above-mentioned raids did the Indians suffer any loss of life, and in none was there any successful pursuit.

It's thought too that thar war a white spy out, who gin 'em information, and led 'em on as a villainous looking chap war seed about the vicinity not long ago." "Do they suspicion who war the spy?" asked Boone. "Why some thinks as how it war that thar accussed renegade, Simon Girty."

Although Joe gave himself up completely to his love for his bride, he did not forget that Kate was in the power of the renegade, and that he must rescue her. Knowing Girty had the unfortunate girls somewhere near the Delaware encampment, he resolved to find the place. Plans of all kinds he resolved in his mind. The best one he believed lay through Whispering Winds.

"Yes, Girty might have done that," said Col. Zane. "I suppose, though he dared not interfere in behalf of poor Crawford." "Isaac, Can you get Myeerah to talk? I love to hear her speak," said Betty, in an aside. "Myeerah, will you sing a Huron love-song?" said Isaac "Or, if you do not wish to sing, tell a story. I want them to know how well you can speak our language."

"It means another bloody year like 1777," answered Wetzel. "We are liable to have trouble with the Indians any day. You mean that." "There'll be war all along the river. Hamilton is hatchin' some new devil's trick with Girty. Col. Zane, I calkilate that Girty has a spy in the river settlements and knows as much about the forts and defense as you do." "You can't mean a white spy."

"Why that, of course, is all well enough at times," answered Girty; "but I don't think either particular cunning or caution need be exercised now from the fact that I don't believe there is any danger. Even should the enemies you saw be fool-hardy enough to follow us, they are not many in number probably, and will only serve to add a few more scalps to our girdles.

Other Wyandots who have observed you agree with him, and to tell you the truth I think so, too, myself." "Well!" said Henry. He now divined what Girty was going to reveal, but he wished the renegade to tell it himself.

In one of the rows in a group sat the six renegades, Girty, Blackstaffe, McKee, Eliot, Quarles, and Braxton Wyatt. Every man was bent forward in the stooped formal attitude of one who listens, and every one had the stem of a pipe in his mouth.

In a single fleeting instant Joe saw that Girty was helpless for the moment, that Silvertip was confident of his revenge, and that the situation called for Wetzel's characteristic advice, "act like lightnin'." Swifter than the thought was the leap he made past Silvertip. It carried him to a wooden bar which lay on the floor.