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She remembered how strangely moved he had been upon learning yesterday that Gian Maria was marching upon Roccaleone, and how ardently he had advised flight from the fortress he that had so bravely talked of holding it against the Duke. They were still wrangling there in a most unseemly fashion when a trumpet-blast reached them from beyond the walls. "The herald again," she cried.

It was known that the Count of Aquila stood high in the favour of Gian Maria, and the news of his sudden fall and banishment could not have reached Guidobaldo's niece, who had fled before the knowledge of it was in Urbino. His name would awaken suspicion, and any story of disgrace and banishment might be accounted the very mask to fit a spy.

A frown settled on Gian Maria's brow. Was the fool about to intimidate him with talk of supernatural vengeance? "Thus," Peppe continued, "you will perhaps be merciful when I confess my position. I made most solemn oath to the man I met at Acquasparta on that luckless day, that I would never reveal his identity. What am I to do? If I keep my oath, you will torture me to death perhaps.

He reflected assured that he was right that if Francesco had not come to Roccaleone, he might by now have been wed to Valentina; and once wed, he could throw down the bridge and march out of Roccaleone, assured that Gian Maria would not care to espouse his widow, and no less assured that Guidobaldo who was at heart a kind and clement prince would be content to let be what was accomplished, since there would be naught gained beyond his niece's widowhood in hanging Gonzaga.

By my twofold authority I have commanded you to wed with Gian Maria." The princess in her was all forgotten, and it was just the woman who answered him, in a voice of protest: "But, Highness, I do not love him." A shade of impatience crossed his lofty face. "I do not remember," he made answer wearily, "that I loved your aunt.

Would you believe me if I told you that here, in Roccaleone, we have an agent of the Count of Aquila one who in the Count's interest is protracting this siege with the pretended aim of driving Gian Maria off." "Gonzaga " she began, more than half guessing the drift of his explanation. But he interrupted her with unusual brusqueness.

"She will be undone," he groaned. "Thus between the upper and the nether stone between Gian Maria and Romeo Gonzaga. Gesu! she will be undone! And she so brave and so high-spirited!" He moved slowly to the casement, and stood staring at the windows across the street, on which the setting sun fell in a ruddy glow. But it was not the windows that he saw.

The structure, of costliest materials, reared by Gian Antonio Amadeo, cost him 50,000 golden florins. An equestrian statue of gilt wood, voted to him by the town of Bergamo, surmounts his monument inside the Chapel.

Everything is in readiness for all had been prepared for Gian Maria." A great joy came into Valentina's eyes; her cheeks flushed and her glance fell; but Francesco scanned the Duke's face with the keen eye of one who is incredulous of so much good fortune. "Your Highness means me well?" he made bold to ask. Guidobaldo stiffened, and a frown broke the serenity of his lofty brow.

The brightest scholar in the studio of Gian Bellini was a young man by the name of Giorgio, but they called him Giorgione, which being interpreted means George the Great. He was about the age of Titian, and the two became firm friends. Giorgione was nearly twenty when we first hear of him. He was a handsome fellow tall, slender, with an olive complexion and dreamy brown eyes.