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If he does prevail upon you to come and try one of his eggs and gherkins it only adds more relish to your meal when he tells you of the man who only paid one cent for a large gherkin which really cost two, and although he already had put it in his mouth he made him put the other part back.

One quart of mayonnaise will hold one quart of whipped cream. For light colored salads, as sweetbread and Waldorf, it is well to use the whipped cream slightly colored with a drop of vegetable green. Add to a half pint of mayonnaise dressing a tablespoonful of chopped gherkin, the same of chopped parsley, four chopped olives and a tablespoonful of capers.

6 eggs 1 head of lettuce 8 tablespoonfuls of olive oil 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley 4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar 1 tablespoonful of chopped gherkin 1 tablespoonful of chopped olives 1 tablespoonful of grated onion Hard-boil the eggs, throw them into cold water; remove the shells and cut them into slices lengthwise.

"It doesn't matter what the child does so long as he is amused," she remarked, not altogether missing the character of Raisky's occupation. "But why do you write at night, when I am so afraid of fire, and you might fall asleep over your drama. You will make yourself ill, and you often look as yellow as an over-ripe gherkin as it is." He looked in the glass, and was struck with his own appearance.

To one pint of drawn butter add one tablespoon each of vinegar and lemon juice and two tablespoons each of chopped capers, pickles, and olives, one-half teaspoon onion juice, a few grains cayenne pepper. Add to a half pint of well-made mayonnaise dressing two olives, one gherkin and one small onion, chopped fine.

We could now see a few scattering, tall trees outlining the Carson River, also long mountain spurs reaching almost out into the sand, covered with a short growth of pine timber. In leaving the sand about 11 o'clock A. M. I noticed a large open tent near by. I rode up and into the tent, and, looking about, saw among other things one bottle of gherkin pickles about one quart of them.

Then I does the same with a gherkin, and, my word, didn't they all change their tune! Everyone wanted a taste, so I gives the fork to the chap as come with me, makes him squat down, and claps the big brown jar between his legs." "Mixed pickles!" cried Carey, eagerly. "Piccadilly, sir," said the old sailor, correctively. "Then I makes all the rest sit round him in what you calls a silly circle."

The pickles, in a uniform of rich brown double-breasted buttoned coat, and yellow or sombre drab continuations, announced their portly forms, in printed capitals, as Walnut, Gherkin, Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Mixed, and other members of that noble family.

"That's him, right enough," said Moriarty. "Had you a yarn with him?" "Not much of a yarn certainly," replied the stranger, holding his bottle up to the light while he speared a gherkin with his knife.

Salt, it will be observed, is not mentioned, because the anchovies and prawns may be salt, but this can only be known to the cook by tasting. Garnish by putting a spot of green gherkin on one, a spot of red beet on another, and on a third one of truffle, and so on alternately. Shrimp Canapés. Fry some rounds of bread as directed for other canapés.