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One effect much commented upon was a succession of fifths in the bass, used legitimately enough to express a dreariness of earth. This provoked from that conservative of conservatives, the music copyist, a patronizing annotation, "Quinten!" to which Gleason added "Gewiss!" A series of augmented triads, smoothly manipulated, was another curiosity of the score.

And it was only because it was the other German lady's hair that spent the night in a different part of the cabin from her head and had been seen doing it by Anna-Felicitas, that she cavilled and was grudging. "Gewiss," she muttered back, "bis auf der Nase. Die Nase aber entfremdet mich. Die ist keine echte Junkernase."

You know, Simon, I and you are de only two persons in de East-End who speak Ainglish properly." "I know. But these speeches must be in Yiddish." "Gewiss. But who speak her like me and you? You muz gif me a speech to-night." "I can't; really not," said Simon. "The programme's arranged. You know they're all jealous of me already. I dare not leave one out."

In their own village, three days hence; only given once every ten years for hundreds and hundreds of years. Could strangers see it? What should strangers want to see it for? But could they see it? Gewiss. This was indeed a stroke of luck. I had always rather wanted to see the Passion play, but the thought of the fashionable Ober-Ammergau made me sick. Would I like to be vorgestellt? Rather!

"A right stout chest, then; and see you don't forget the size; if too short, it will be of no use to me: mind;" "JA WOHL! GEWISS!" And the positive-looking, well-clad gentleman goes his ways. At the appointed day he reappears; the chest is ready; we hope, an unexceptionable article? "Too short, as I dreaded!" says the positive gentleman.

Now comes Spencer, my Oneida, mit a pelt, who svears to me dot Brant und Butler an ambuscade haff made for me. Vat I do? Eh? I vait for dot sortie? Gewiss!" He waved his short pipe. "For vy am I an ass to march me py dot ambuscade? Such a foolishness iss dot talk! I stay me py Oriskany till I dem cannon hear."

Dräseke expresses the same conception in his own peculiarly terse and antithetic way: So gewiss kein Gottesreich ohne die Schulderlassung die wir empfangen; so gewiss kein Gottesreich ohne die Schulderlassung die wir leisten. (As certainly as there is no kingdom of God without the forgiveness which we receive, so certainly there is no kingdom of God without the forgiveness which we bestow.) ii.

"Not furnished, my sweetheart," said Gertrude, "and you know Kinder you're all running on very fast about servants the good Frau is our housekeeper." "Will she have meals with us?" "Gewiss Jimmie, meals." "Mon Dieu, vous etes terribles, toutes!" came Mademoiselle's voice. It seemed to bite into the table. "Oh, eest grossiere!" She gathered herself up and escaped into the little schoolroom.

"Oh, ja," said the other, "der Zweck ist nur den Feind zu schwachen, so kann man gewiss nicht den Verlust der Privat-Personen in Achtung nehmen." * * "Oh, yes, the only aim is to weaken the enemy, so of course one cannot take into account the loss of private individuals." "Oh, no," agreed the other. "Extend widely!" said Prince Andrew with an angry snort, when they had ridden past.

At this point, the girl at the adjacent table put down her knife and fork, and leaned slightly forward. "Excuse me," she said, and smiled. "The waiter only said he thought you must be a stranger here: DER HERR IST GEWISS FREMD IN LEIPZIG?" Her rather prominent teeth were visible as she spoke.