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Under his breath, he confounded this lady for her impudence; but he schooled himself to let her rejoice at their going on a Hanseatic boat, because the Germans were always so careful of you. She made her husband agree with her, and it came out that he had crossed several times on both the Colmannia and the Norumbia.

With the Russians winning big victories over Austria, and the French and English pushing back the Germans in the west, it certainly looked as though the end were in sight.

"This is a tremendous chance for descriptive writing, Stedman," said Gordon, enthusiastically; "all this confusion and excitement, and the people leaving their homes, and all that. It's like the people getting out of Brussels before Waterloo, and then the scene at the foot of the mountains, while they are camping out there, until the Germans leave. I never had a chance like this before."

In that greenish radiance his flying figure stood out sharply, and the firing which had been wild now became more accurate. At the same time, a look behind him showed that a troop of men had been hastily organized and was rushing after him. This, however, gave him little concern. A bullet might catch him, but these heavy Germans, never!

A rumour got about that the Germans had promised 500 shells in Furnes on New Year's Day. In the evening I went down to the station, and I was evidently not expected. Not a thing was ready for the wounded. None of them would budge, and I was glad I had young Mr. Findlay with me, as he was in uniform, and helped to get things straight.

It might have been the slightly nearer position they were in, or, so far as they knew, headquarters might have moved meanwhile, but in a very short time the operator there was responding. The young officer gave an accurate account of the operations of the Germans, and particularly of their artillery.

After an intense rifle fire we heard the cry of 'Forward with the bayonet! and night rang with the shouts of the men. Our first line was carried beyond the village. "The Germans returned to the attack about 8 o'clock, but were stopped dead by our rifle and machine-gun fire. Two hours later another attack was attempted, but was likewise dashed to pieces before our unshaken resistance.

They say that Ascher helped a lot, in fact that it was very largely his advice which the Government took. All the same a lot of people turned on him afterwards, in spite of all I did to get him naturalised. They wanted to imprison him; but that was absurd. It's all very well to round up ordinary Germans, barbers, waiters and people of that sort, and put them in concentration camps.

It is true, the Germans of the Rhenish Confederation, the Italians, Swiss, and Danes were still enrolled under the banners of the new Charlemagne; but, with the exception of the last, they fought wearily or questioningly, as for a cause that promised naught but barren triumphs and unending strife. Truly, the years that witnessed Napoleon's fall were fruitful in paradox.

This general rule was subject to exceptions caused by the ding-dong race of scientific invention, and for the moment the Germans had in their Fokker an aeroplane of decisive superiority.