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Now, dat a sort of reason'ble punishment, too; but I nebber does it. If mouse eat my bread, it do seem right to tell mouse dat he hab enough, and dat he must not eat any more for a week, or a mont', but it too cruel for me, and I nebber does it; no, I t'rows de little debil overboard, and lets him drown like a gentle'em."

A werry good gentle'em is Misser Mulford, but not good enough to mulk Simon and me out of fifty dollar each." "You will not hear my project, Josh, and so will never know what I would be at." "Well, come, tell him jest as you surposes him. Now listen, Simon, so dat not a word be loss." "My plan is to take the boat, if we anchor, as anchor I know we shall, and go and find the rock and bring Mr.

"We be's quite willin' to sarve'e mate, who's a good gentle'em, and as nice a young man as ever sung out, `hard a-lee," but we must t'ink little bit of number one; or, for dat matter, of number two, as Simon would be implercated as well as myself. If Cap'in Spike once knew we've lent a hand in sich a job, he'd never overlook it.

But what I wants to intermate to you, will explain all dis difficulty; and it do show de raal super'ority of a coloured man over de white poperlation. Now, you mark my words, cook, and be full of admiration! Jack Tier came back along wid de Mexican gentle'em, in my anchor-watch, dis very night! You see, in de first place, ebbery t'ing come to pass in nigger's watch."

Now, do you t'ink in cander, Jack, dat two colour' gentle'em, like us, can t'row away our fortins like two sons of a York merchant dat has inherited a hundred t'ousand dollar tudder day?" "There is no occasion for running at all, or for losing your wages." "How you get'e mate off, den? Can he walk away on de water? If so, let him go widout us.

"Y-e-s," drawled out Simon, in a philanthropical tone of voice, "dat'e best way. What good it do to torment a fellow critter? If Misser Mulford run, why put him down run, and let him go, I say, on'y mulk his wages; but what good it do anybody to starve him? Now dis is my opinion, gentle'em, and dat is, dat starwation be wuss dan choleric.