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The ladies and gentlemen who withdrew were mainly figure painters; those who stayed were mainly landscape artists; and thus it happens, that while in the new society you are principally attracted by historic and genre groups and, scenes, in the old you are fascinated by landscape and city pictures of the very highest order of art. The painters, too, you observe, are very industrious.

"But not a soldier?" "No. You see my clothes!" "Have you come to Paris for pleasure? That is strange, for now there is nothing doing in that way." "Non, c'est vrai. Il n'y a rien a faire dans ce genre." I asked them how they lived in war time. One of the girls she had a pretty delicate face and a serious way of speech smiled, with a sigh that seemed to come from her little high- heeled boots.

<b>BRUNE, MME. AIMÉE PAGÈS.</b> Medal of second class at Salon of 1831; first class in 1841. Born in Paris. 1803-66. Pupil of Charles Meynier. Painted historical and genre subjects. In 1831 she exhibited "Undine," the "Elopement," "Sleep," and "Awakening." In 1841 a picture of "Moses." She painted several Bible scenes, among which were the "Daughter of Jairus" and "Jephthah's Daughter."

The family name of this artist was Bouteiller, and she married M. Jules de Saux, but as an artist used the name of an ancestress. Her pictures of genre subjects very early attracted attention, especially in 1855, when she sent to the Salon "A Brother of the Christian School," "School for the Poor at Aix," "Mutual Instruction," and "Rabbits." Her works were popular and brought good prices.

I do not mean that he should not philosophize, but his philosophy should be, like Goethe's or Emerson's, an expression of intuition and faith. Properly, the literary essay is a distinct artistic genre the expression of a concrete thinking personality, and its value consists in the living wisdom it contains.

The first will not part with his convicts, and the second feeds his readers with nothing but officers.... I understand specialization in art such as genre, landscape, history, but I cannot admit of such specialties as convicts, officers, priests.... This is not specialization but partiality.

Provençal literature contains examples of almost every poetical genre. Didactic poetry includes historical works such as the poem of the Albigeois crusade, ethical or moralising ensenhamens and religious poetry. But the dominating element in Provençal literature is lyrical, and during the short classical age of this literature lyric poetry was supreme.

"In her, the turn of critical and caustic severity was exempt from rigidity and was accompanied by every charm and pleasingness in her person. She herself was never at a loss for an answer: when shown two portraitsone of Molière and one of La Fontaineand asked which was the greater, she answered: 'That one, pointing to La Fontaine, 'is more perfect in a genre less perfect."

M. Charnot's back; Jeanne's profile, exactly like her; a forest nook; the parasol on the ground; the cane stuck into the grass; a bit of genre, perfect in truth and execution. "When did you do that?" "Last night." "And you want to exhibit it?" "At the Salon." "But, Sylvestre, it is too late to send in to the Salon. The Ides of March are long past."

He was not so sure that they would have the appeal of the American pictures, for after all the city of Paris had been pretty well done over and over in illustration and genré work. It was not so new as New York; the things Eugene chose were not as unconventional. Still, he could say truly they were exceptional. They might try an exhibition of them later in Paris if they did not take here.