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Her hands were snugly gloved, and undisfigured by the distortions of any ring except the marriage circlet. Her manner attested her a person of consequence in her social circle and one who realized the fact. She had repelled, though without rudeness or discourtesy, the garrulous efforts of the motherly knitter to be sociable.

HERE are two industries that MUST be in harmony with one another, or we all go to pot." "I should prefer not to be interviewed on the subject, Mr. Genslinger," said Magnus. "Oh, no, oh, no. Lord love you, Governor, I don't want to interview you. We all know how you stand." Again there was a long silence. Magnus wondered what this little man, usually so garrulous, could want of him.

"I've been sort o' cog'tatin' tharof, an' I begins to allow I'm a mighty sight too garrulous that a-way. This yere conversation habit is shore growin' on me, an', if I don't watch out, I'm goin' to be a bigger talker than old Vance Groggins," "Was Groggins a great conversationist?" I asked. "Does this yere Vance Groggins converse?

But in a poem, still more in a lyric poem and the Nurse in ROMEO AND JULIET alone prevents me from extending the remark even to dramatic poetry, if indeed even the Nurse can be deemed altogether a case in point it is not possible to imitate truly a dull and garrulous discourser, without repeating the effects of dullness and garrulity.

On that subject most people would have found the ex-steward somewhat garrulous, but Jem Hardy listened with great content, and even brought him back to it when he showed signs of wandering. Altogether Mr.

The steep wooded bank opposite cast a dull heavy shadow across half the surface; the low lapping of the water sounded like somebody whispering old secrets that she seemed half to hear, garrulous histories of the dead the dead whose blood was in her veins old glories, old scandals, old trifles, all mixed together, all of great importance in the valley of the Blent.

Well, I hope they haven't moved the Queen's College anyhow, said Mr Dedalus, for I want to show it to this youngster of mine. Along the Mardyke the trees were in bloom. They entered the grounds of the college and were led by the garrulous porter across the quadrangle. But their progress across the gravel was brought to a halt after every dozen or so paces by some reply of the porter's.

Expert evidence was introduced in a roundabout way by the statement offered in court that a physician had suspected that a certain case was witchcraft. Nothing was excluded. The garrulous women had been give free rein to pile up their silly accusations against one another.

In contrast to the ungainly, rickety, garrulous James, Charles was kingly in appearance, bearing, and demeanor. He was reserved in speech and manner.

During the first months of his residence there his life was, in general, one of characteristic activity and almost garrulous frankness. The cause of the island of Pianosa being left uninhabited was the marauding of the Corsairs from the coast of Barbary, against whom Bonaparte considered himself fully protected by the 4th Article of the Treaty of Fontainebleau.