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I did not tremble as in the last campaign. Ah! perhaps I did not pray so much. I heard of the crossing of the Rhine at Brisach, and then came rumours of a tremendous battle at Freiburg. The bells had only just begun to ring, when Pierre, our groom, galloped into the town, and sent up at once his packet. His master, he said, was wounded, but not badly, and had covered himself with glory.

"Heinie must have plenty of ammunition," remarked Frank. "He's spending it freely." "It beats anything we've been up against since we came to the front," observed Billy. "It seems to be coming nearer and nearer all the time," said Bart. "I guess this is going to be our busy day." There was intense activity all through the lines. Orderlies galloped from place to place with orders.

The work being done at last to the satisfaction of both the boys, Lester mounted his horse and galloped away in the direction of Don Gordon's home. Lester Brigham was not at all intimate with Don and Bert.

So, forgetting that he had meant to go back at once, away rides the pa'son with the rest o' the hunt, all across the fallow ground that lies between Lippet Wood and Green's Copse; and as he galloped he looked behind for a moment, and there was the clerk close to his heels. "Ha, ha, clerk you here?" he says. "Yes, sir, here be I," says t'other. "Fine exercise for the horses!"

It is only a sham battle." The cannons roared, the rifles rattled and flashes of fire and puffs of smoke were on all sides. "Oh, look at the horses the cavalry!" cried Harry, as a company of men, mounted on horses, galloped toward some of the soldiers, who turned their rifles on them. Then one man, on a big black horse, left the main body and came straight on toward Mr.

Even as she moaned the words she heard hoof beats near her, and a horseman leaped the hedge and was at her side. She set her teeth, and turning, stared into John Oxon's face. "Did you think I would not follow you?" he asked. "No," she answered. "I have followed you at a distance hitherto," he said; "now I shall follow close." She did not speak, but galloped on.

In five minutes we were soaked and shivering with cold, so when at last we reached the plain we turned off the road toward two Mongol yurts, which rested beside the river a mile away like a pair of great white birds. "Roy and I galloped ahead over the soft, slushy grass, nearly blinded by the rain, and hobbling our horses outside the nearest yurt, went inside with only the formality of a shout.

The horse grew nervous and shied repeatedly from sheer loneliness. The road entered a wood. Deep in its leafy fastness wild steers heard the beat of the horse's hoofs, laid back their ears and galloped into safer depths, bellowing with alarm.

The Emperor without waiting for an answer turned away and said to one of the officers as he went: "Have these gentlemen attended to and taken to my bivouac; let my doctor, Larrey, examine their wounds. Au revoir, Prince Repnin!" and he spurred his horse and galloped away. His face shone with self-satisfaction and pleasure.

The moment I had gone, he must have crept away crouching down, Indian fashion, until he had got to a safe distance from the camp, when, having first secured the weapons I had left for him, he must have mounted my horse and galloped off.