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"I was thinkin', you know, that bein' as this young feller Rufus what's-his-name 'peared to be sweet on the gal, mebbe you'd take to me an' we'd all git spliced together. But she don't like me and wouldn't treat me right. I couldn't stand fusses an' the like." "La, Mr.

"I hope you killed him," she said, coming near, looking down on Mackenzie with full commendation; "he keeps his crazy wife chained up like a dog!" "I don't think he's dead, but I'd like to know for sure," Mackenzie returned, his eyes bent thoughtfully on the ground. "Nobody will ever say a word to you if you did kill him," Joan assured. "They'd all know he started it he fusses with everybody."

How could you say such a thing, Mellicent, when Peggy was trying to help you, too? How could you be so mean and horrid?" "Oh, well, I'm sure I wish I were dead!" wailed Mellicent promptly. "Nothing but fusses and bothers, and just when I thought I was going to be so happy! If I'd had white shoes, this would never have happened. Always the same thing!

The German is a German first and a human being afterwards.... But on the other hand England seems commercially indifferent to us and France has been economically hostile..." "After all," I said presently, after reflection, "in that matter of Pecunia non olet; there used to be fusses about European loans in China.

Out of her sight, and more particularly out of the sight of the other women of her set, vice of the recognised description was, perhaps, permissible to those contemptible weaklings, men, but this was Evil on the High Roads. She was bound to make a fuss, and these fusses invariably took the final form of a tightness of money for Bechamel.

"They are quite happy without you," he said, "Vain little Comtesse, to think your presence is necessary to every one!" "I dare say. But I must go to them." "No, you must not. Sit down in your low chair and forget all about them. No good hostess fusses after her guests. People like to be left to themselves." I sat down meekly.

Knott, she has asked me to go on to Brockhurst from here. It seems that though Richard refuses to see any one, except you of course, and Julius March, he fusses at his mother being so much alone. What ought I to do? I feel rather uncertain. I have fought him, I own I have. We have never been friends, he and I. He doesn't like me. He's no reason to like me anything but! What do you say?

He gave her a quick squeeze, and chuckled: "You bet I made you!" he said; he pushed her gently to her feet, and got up and walked about the room, his hands in his pockets. "As for Mrs. Houghton, you'll love her. She never fusses; she just says, 'Consider the stars. I do hope you'll like them, Eleanor," he ended, anxiously.

"Maybe he could bear that, men have been put in prison and lived through years and years of it, perhaps Laddie could too; I doubt it! but anyway the worst of it is that he just couldn't, not even to save you, spend all the rest of his life trying to settle other people's old fusses. He despises a fuss. Not one of us ever in our lives have been able to make him quarrel, even one word.

It is five-and-twenty years since I was last in Venice, and I can truly say that it has not improved in that long time. The loss of the great Campanile of St. Mark is not compensated for by the gain of the penny steamer which frets and fusses its prosaic way along the Grand Canal, or blurts its noisome smoke in the very face of the Palace of the Doges. Well!