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He wish dat one day when dey flog him dey had kill him altogether; den all de trouble at an end. Dey hunt him ebery day with dogs and guns, and soon dey catch him. No can go on much longer like dis. To-day me nearly gib myself up. Den me thought me like to see Dinah once more to say good-by, so make great effort and ran a bit furder."

"Be you from Lunnon, sir?" inquired the old man, eyeing me beneath his hoary brows as I set down my tankard. "Yes," said I. "Well, think o' that now I've been a-goin' to Lunnon this five an' forty year started out twice, I did, but I never got no furder nor Sevenoaks!" "How was that?" I inquired.

They were all full of roast pork, or of pork more or less roasted, and the scent of the sacrifice was yet in the air, and their war-bitten souls were cheered and warmed, if ever so little. 'Yis, said one lad, 'if half the quality knowed! 'Hallo! said Polson, turning in the fragrant dark. 'How far from Bilston were you born? 'Wedgebury, said the voice. 'No furder.

Take your strokes long, and slow as you can." "That's what I'm doing, Jem, but do you think it's much further?" "Now, lookye here, Mas' Don; if ever there was a good-tempered chap it was I mean is Jem Wimble; but if you gets talking like that, you aggravates me to such a degree that I must speak." Jem spoke angrily, and with unwonted excitement in his manner. "Is it much furder, indeed?

"I wuz a poet; now I'm a gardeen angel. I tole you I wouldn' do nothin' desperate tell I talked weth you. That's the reason I didn' shoot him t'other night. When you run him off, I draw'd on him, and he'd a been a gone sucker ef't hadn' been fer yore makin' me promise t'other day to hold on tell I'd talked weth you. Now, I've talked weth you, and I don't make no furder promises.

"Why looky-here," he says, "ain't that Buck Miller's place, over yander in the bend." "Yes," says I, "it is why." He laid his pipe down and leant his head on his hand, and says "I thought we'd be furder down." I says

He says we am in de tropics at a island ob not werry big size an' importance, but Ah was aware of dese fac's mahself befo' Ah interrogated him, sah, so dat Ah am no furder dan Ah was befo', sah."

"Seems somehow," said Jabe Doty one night, as he tilted his chair forward and stared at the fire in the stove, "seems somehow as if Tom was a right smart ways off es ef he got furder as the winter closed in a'most like Washin'ton city hed moved a thousand miles or so out West somewhars, an' took him with it."

"I'm hit!" roared one of the enemy, with a horrible oath. "Don't go no furder." "Keep her a goin!" replied another. "We'll fix 'em in a minute now." The boat dashed up towards the Isabel; but Dan, as soon as he had fired, leaped from his place, and seizing the fifty-six pound weight, plumped it full into the bottom of the boat.

My friend disclosed this smiling posterior to full view, stretching himself face downward on the earth, and burying his head, with the grappling pole, in the well. "This 'ere job," his voice came to me with resonant jubilance, "requires a vary moderate dispersition: 'specially arfter the women folks has been a-grapplin' for her, and rilin' the water, and jabbin' of her furder in.