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Mother said she went in more to see what sort of a place the inn was than for the sake of the coffee. "It was a very funny place. The floor was of stone. There was one table, with cups on it for coffee, and plates, and bread and butter. The loaves of bread were shaped like a man's arm about as big round, and a good deal longer.

He thought it must be very funny indeed, because every one was laughing and bending double and slapping legs while he talked. Casey realized that here at last were men who appreciated Casey Ryan as he deserved to be appreciated. Tears ran down his own weathered cheeks tears of mirth. He had never laughed so much before in all his life, he thought.

But a sourer lot of faces you never saw in your life. No. I am wrong. For downright melancholy and despondency you must wait till the funny old clown comes along in his little bit of a buggy drawn by a little bit of a donkey. "And, oh, looky! Here comes the elephants, just the same as in the joggerfy books. And see the men walking beside them. They come from the place the elephants do.

As it is he thinks our meeting was just pure chance." "But surely," I objected, "he must have guessed you were on my side?" She gave a short, bitter laugh. "Yes," she said, "he guessed that all right. It's what he calls 'a sacred bond between us. There are times, you know, when George is almost funny." "There are times," I said, "when he must make Judas Iscariot feel sick."

His father was perfectly silent, and any thrill that Peter might have snatched from the engines, the porters, the whistles, and his own especial carriage were negatived by this paralysing occurrence. He would have liked to have said something himself, but he could only think of things that were quite impossible like "How funny Mrs.

It was burning the table, but old Platt didn't know that, and he knocked the man down." "It must have been funny," said Tom, who had heard the story before. "Oh, it was a scream. I thought I'd die laughing. It was really awfully bad of him, though, don't you think?" "Oh, I don't know," said Tom boldly. "I don't think it was so very bad. You've got to expect that sort of thing nowadays."

It was like a country without inhabitants. Presently, however, a burst of melody arrested us, and borne upon the scented breeze came oh, so sweetly! the well-remembered notes of "Hollingside." Hurriedly getting behind a tree, I let myself go, and had a perfectly lovely, soul-refreshing cry. Reads funny, doesn't it? Sign of weakness perhaps.

I said they might think I was Mr. Butt-in-ski! It's just a bit of fool slang. You're not mad, are you?" "Oh, no!" she said. "Dear me! no. It is very funny, of course. I'm afraid I'm extremely ignorant about about foreign humor" It seemed more delicate to say "foreign" than merely "American."

On the opposite platform crowds of little men in blue with mustaches and long, soiled overcoats that reached almost to their feet were shouting and singing. Fuselli watched them with a faint disgust. "Gee, they got funny lookin' helmets, ain't they?" "They're the best fighters in the world," said Eisenstein, "not that that's sayin' much about a man."

Mildred put her hand over her eyes and leaned back in her chair. Suddenly the silence was broken by a burst of rippling laughter. Ian started; his own thoughts had not been so diverting. "What's the joke, Mildred?" "Oh, Ian, don't you know? Max made love to Milly and she she bit him! Wasn't it frightfully funny?" She laughed again, with a more inward enjoyment.