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I hated it and I said to Arnold, 'I've reached Capua at last! and he said," she stopped to laugh again, heartily, full-throated, the not-to-be-imitated laugh of genuine amusement, "he said, 'Who is Capua, anyhow?" Mr. Sommerville laughed, but grudgingly, with an impatient shake of his white head and an uneasy look in his eyes. For several reasons he did not like to hear Sylvia laugh at Arnold.

But its patrons seemed to like the place well enough in spite of its miasma, and Master Robin Turgis, the fat landlord, drowsy with his own wine and dripping from the heat, surveyed them complacently, and wallowed as it were in the rattle and clink of mug and can, the full-throated laughter and the shrill chatter, crisply emphasized by oaths, which assured him of the Fircone's popularity with its intimates.

He laughed a heavy, vengeful laugh, and repeated his familiar refrain full-throated: "The sovereign people that can't stand on its own legs!" By the side of a few faint-hearted citizens who had already, since the morning, modified their political opinions, a great figure rises before my eyes Fontan.

A word as to these nightingales. One of them elects to warble, in deplorably full-throated ease, immediately below my bedroom window. When this particular fowl sets up its din at about 3.45 a.m. it is a veritable explosion; an ear-rending, nerve-shattering explosion of noise. I use that word "noise" deliberately. For it is not music not until your ears are grown accustomed to it.

As it swelled out Helen's joy increased until her face was alight with laughter, and very wonderful to see; she stood with the rose tossing in one of her hands, and with the other pressed upon her bosom, "singing of summer in full-throated ease." One might have been sure that the roses knew what she was saying, and that all about her loved her for her song.

The King again began to speak, but the Kid pressed his hand for silence. The sound multiplied. Dog after dog took up the strain till the full-throated chorus swayed the night. To him who hears for the first time this weird song, is told the first and greatest secret of the Northland; to him who has heard it often, it is the solemn knell of lost endeavor.

"Hurrah!" went up the full-throated cry. "Hurrah!" Frederick shouted, and so did Wilhelm and so did Professor Toussaint. Everybody who could shouted "Hurrah!" Ingigerd and the woman physician and the woman artist. They all waved their napkins or handkerchiefs. The same shout of joy went up from the steerage, and by way of greeting the two vessels let their steam whistles thunder.

He paused, hearing again in his shamed ears the ironic laughter of Rapp, Senior, at the three wild swings he had made before in an excess of caution he had struck the ground back of the immune ball and raked it a pitiful five feet to one side. He heard, too, the pleased laughter in the background, high, musical peals of tactless women and the full-throated roars of brutal men.

And while there I lay, there came from the sea from the southwest in a lull of the wind breaking into the tender silence the blast of a steam whistle, deep, full-throated, prolonged. "Hist!" whispered Jacky. "Does you not hear?" Skipper Tommy stood me on my feet, and himself slowly rose, listening intently. "Lads," he asked, his voice shaking, "was it the mail-boat?" "No, zur!" the twins gasped.

Besides, it has been good to see you here every day; for you alone in these forests have really understood my heart and have stabbed it to death with your wisdom." He pondered dismally, while the councilors and chieftains wept out his unexpressed grief, so that the whole pavilion was filled with their full-throated sobbing. "Will you ever return, Bangana?" "Why not?