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For the whole air was dense with the morbidity of blackmail, which is the most morbid of human things, because it is a crime concealing a crime; a black plaster on a blacker wound. The face of the little Catholic priest, which was commonly complacent and even comic, had suddenly become knotted with a curious frown. It was not the blank curiosity of his first innocence.

He has just as much right here as I have. I wish I could stop him, but I don't see how I can." A frown puckered the freckled face of Farmer Brown's boy. You see, he was thinking very hard, and when he does that he is very apt to frown. "I suppose," he muttered, "I can tear down his blind. He wouldn't know who did it. But that wouldn't do much good; he would build another.

If Walter Dinsmore had never written that miserable confession, or if I had at once turned all his property into money and gone abroad, or to California, I need never have been brought to this. As matters stand now, however, I suppose you will claim everything," she concluded, with a sullen frown.

"Two cherubs from heaven," another exclaimed. And a third cried, "A toast to Esteban's beautiful children." But the father lurched forward, a frown upon his face. "What is this, my dears?" he inquired, thickly. "Run back to your beds. This is no place for you." "We love Evangelina," piped the twins. "You must not let Don Pablo have her if you please." "Evangelina?" They nodded.

"No," she said. "I have this day seen destruction resolved for the city." She took his easy declaration with a frown. If it were true he should not show that flippancy; if it were not he should not have jested. "I saw," he continued, "Titus and his beloved Nicanor ride around the walls. Though they were the full length of a bow-shot from me, I knew what they talked about.

Yet over the rigid and awful Face of God, flickered a faint light, named mercy; and this mercy vindicated its existence by demanding that some souls should escape the final and endless doom that was the due reward of every soul conceived and born in enmity against God and under the frown of His Justice.

"Ah!" said Barnabas, beginning to frown. "My pal Jarsper bid me say as you was to keep yourself scarce till 'e's got 'is 'ooks on the guilty party, sir." "Ah!" said Barnabas, again, "and when does he intend to make the arrest?" "This here very night, sir." "Hum!" said Barnabas thoughtfully.

You are determined to have her and I have given my consent to the marriage from purely selfish motives," Mrs. Montague returned, in a straightforward, matter-of-fact tone. "I would never have consented," she added, with a frown "if I had not feared that there is proof besides what we possess of Mona Forester's legal marriage, and that through it we might some time lose our fortune.

How they stared at her as she stood there by the head of the steps, her sleeping child held in her arms! They were a packed audience and had been prepared to condemn her that she could see and hear, for did not some of them point and frown, and set up a cry of "Witch!" as they had been told to do? But it died away.

Her impetuous, rebellious little heart was thumping bitterly as she considered this single phase of the life to come. She was ready to cry out against the injustice of it all. The little frown was portentous of deep-laid designs. She would break down this cruel barrier that kept Baldos from the fields over which prejudice alone held sway.