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However, I'm committed to the thing now, so I'll stuff it out, I suppose, though I'm not sure, after all, that I wouldn't chuck the whole thing if it wasn't that I wanted to see how Mellicent will enjoy her pink dresses. How many pink dresses will a hundred thousand dollars buy, anyway, I mean PRETTY pink dresses, all fixed up with frills and furbelows? As ever yours, STAN er JOHN SMITH.

I told her Faith could make lovely fancy things to eat and would like awfully well to teach her when she had any spare time, and Gussie says she'll be tickled to learn, 'cause she is only a plain cook and not up on frills yet."

"I think, think, the owl is very stupid not to begin," said the chaffinch. "If you please," said the fox, bowing most politely to the owl, "we are listening." "Well then, gentlemen, since you all wish it," said the owl, ruffling out his frills and swelling up his feathers, "since you all wish it, I will endeavour to put the case as plainly as possible, and in as few words as I can.

Men had their hair short and curly, and wore coats shaped like evening ones generally blue, with brass buttons buff waistcoats, and tight trousers tucked into their boots, tight stocks round their necks, and monstrous shirt- frills.

Then for a while she slept, with her mouth ever so slightly open and revealing the white line of her teeth. The tears slid off her cheeks to the mussed frills of her negligée and dried there. The little dog emerged from his sleep gaping and stretching backward his hind legs.

"Squeal," responded the puzzled Toby, with alacrity. "You ken join the Trust. You sure got more savvee than I tho't." Bill sat back grinning, while a roar of laughter concluded the founding of the Zip Trust. But like all ceremonials, the matter had to be prolonged and surrounded with the frills of officialdom.

He preferred apple pie to the greatest of artistic triumphs of his daughter's chef, and had it; a glorified apple pie, with frills and furbelows, and whipped cream which he angrily swept to one side with contempt. "That isn't apple pie," he said. "I'd like to take that Frenchman to the little New England hilltown where I went to school and show him what apple pie is."

However, you need not expect to enjoy the frills of a private room and special nurses and think the doctor will take care of you for a nominal fee; there is no reason why he should. Having a baby is not a disease, and you will not need to have fussy care. You should, however, put something aside for those extra expenses which are almost certain to occur.

I feel as if I were in the Union lines." "Well, you ain't, by a long shot," Denby cried. "We've got a good hour's march, and if you're wise, Captain Sprague, you won't waste time for any frills." "No time shall be wasted. Jones, you and Dick take the rear. I, with Denby, will skirmish; and you, Corporal Kane, shall command the center. No firing, remember, unless superior force assails us.

Her hair was white as spun-glass, and neatly confined under one of those high Norman caps of which the long starched frills, encircling the face, lend a cold, severe expression to the wearer: her gait was stooping, her steps feeble, and her whole appearance denoted lassitude and weakness.