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Richard, said the woman, in broad dialect, when the child had gone up half a dozen times; she was nervous, and kept holding out her arms involuntarily. 'Ah doan't ovver much fancy that kind o' laakin. What's more, he's allus reight dahn fratchy after a turn o' that. See nah, he'll nivver want you to stop. Do a' done nah, Mr. Richard.

Some of us would make such fratchy wives and such excellent friends! I vow I should make a good friend! Why shouldn't Lord Tatham try?" And letting her work fall upon the grass, she sat smiling and thinking, her pale brown hair blown back by the wind.

Penrose, yo' preachers talk abaat th' Cross, and it's o' reet that yo' should; but yo' cannot blame me for talkin' abaat my flute, con yo', when it's bin my salvation? And whenever awm a bit daanhearted, or hardhearted, or fratchy wi' th' missus, or plaguey wi' fo'k, aw goes to th' owd flute, and it helps me o'er th' stile. But it's gettin' lat'; let's be goin' wom'.

'Then I can apply both, and judge between you. 'Oh! there's nowt in 'em, replied Enoch. 'Sometimes, thaa knows, when hoo's a bit fratchy, I plague her wi' tellin' o' Dickey o' Wams, who wor talkin' abaat his wife's tantrums, when his maisther stopped him and said, "Dickey, wherever did ta pike her up?" and he said, "Oh, 'mang a lot more lumber up Stackkirk way."

I never knew nor heard tell of her being flighty and fratchy before the squire's trouble." "Good hearts are plenty in good times, Ann Skelton. Miss Charlotte's temper is past all the last few weeks, she is that off-and-on and changeable like and spirity. Mrs. Julius says she does beat all." "I don't pin my faith on what Mrs. Julius says. Not I."