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We had a charming Sunday there, amid charming society, down even to the dogs and cats; and not the least charming object among many was little Franky, the Coolie butler's child, who ran in and out with the dogs, gay in his little cotton shirt, and melon-shaped cap, and silver bracelets, and climbed on the Squire's knee, and nestled in his bosom, and played with his seals; and looked up trustingly into our faces with great soft eyes, like a little brown guazu-pita fawn out of the forest.

"Papa is just like what he used to look," Franky said, when he beheld the renovation of his parent's appearance. "Shall we paint pictures this evening, papa?" They tried to hush the child, but Franky saw no reason why he should not make his request, nor why it should be refused. He fetched his paint-box and a store of pictures he had cut from some old papers.

Boult was incapable of discerning was quite clear to him but he was not in the least interested in him; and what should the old fellow know about a horse? "Isn't Deleah at home to-day? I thought I should have caught Deleah. That is why I dropped in on the Sunday." Deleah was out walking with Franky, Mrs.

"Oh, I wish it, dear, since you are happy; only " She did not put the thought into words only Franky seemed to have died for this. Franky, who had come crying to her one day because a school-fellow had laughed at the patch on this trousers: Franky who had begged so hard only a few hours before his death for a little box of conjuring tools like Willy Spratt's, which had to be denied him.

She heard him swallow down his tears, and then he began again: "Deleah and Franky have always been have always been " "The dearest," she supplied, understanding him. "The dearest of your children, William?" "Tell them that after to-morrow, will you?" She promised. "Bessie and Bernard have not such winning ways, perhaps, but they love you, William, I am sure." To this he made no answer.

I'll tell the teacher on him, that's what I will, as soon as ever school begins. I'll see if he can come round with that dog of his scaring folks! I wouldn't 'a' been a bit afraid if it hadn't 'a' been for Franky. Don't cry any more, Franky. Don't you see they're gone? I presume he thinks it smart to scare a little boy and a girl. If I was a boy once, I'd show him!"

I know it's all over, and there's no hope for me, and after to-night I shan't see you any more. I want you to come for a spin with me to-night." "No, Reggie." "Yes, Deleah. I've got to go to Runnydale, to tell old Candy I shan't want that little mare. Franky is coming. Franky can sit up between us, Deleah " He was very proud of himself for his forethought in securing Franky.

"Oh, Deleah, just to please me this last time ever I shall see you you come too!" the young man tried her again. When again she refused, he flung away from her in a rage, and mounted to his seat; the groom, leaving the tossing head of Black Michael, sprang up behind. She called again to Franky, but they were off without reply.

I want to act; I want to be up and doing, so as to feel that every day I am a little nearer getting poor Harry free." "That's quite reasonable, Bob," said the professor, slowly and thoughtfully. "But I say, Franky, my boy, I don't want to be obstinate; I don't want to hinder you if you can suggest a better plan. We only say that so far your ideas are impossible. Come, now have you any other plan?"

"That it hasn't," cried the professor sharply, "and you would not look like an impostor, sir. Well done, Franky. I say he'd look like what he is a splendid specimen of a man, and as good a doctor and surgeon as I know of. Impostor, indeed! I should be ready to punch the head of any scoundrel who dared to say so. Bravo, my boy!