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Honest peace treaties, following loyal and honest negotiations, after which secret international agreements will be abolished and diplomacy will always proceed frankly and openly. 2nd. Full liberty of navigation on the high seas outside territorial waters, both in peace and war, except when the seas be closed wholly or in part by an international decision sanctioned by international treaties.

Le Tellier, long before he was made Chancellor, well knew the mood of the King. One of his friends asked him for some place that he much desired. Le Tellier replied that he would do what he could. The friend did not like this reply, and frankly said that it was not such as he expected from a man with such authority.

Can you not speak out like a woman like a man, I mean? You may withhold a bone from Max until he stands on his hind legs to beg for it, but you should not treat me like a dog. Say Yes frankly, and do not keep me begging." "What in the world do you want to marry me for?" "Because I was made to carry a house on my shoulders, and will do so.

The simplicity of his urging was hard to resist. "I must tell you something," she said at last. "If you go with me to the barn we should be seen together." "And you're ashamed of me?" "I said I must tell you something," she repeated with emphasis. "Will you give me a chance?" "Go to it." She looked at him frankly: "I don't always have the easiest time in the world at home.

She had thought, what a joy it would be if she could have said, frankly, "Father, mother! let us have a pleasant journey in the lovely weather!"

I thought her proposal so curious a one that I had a great inclination to laugh, but finding it at the same time very advantageous I accepted frankly, and as if we had long been friends. On the first day I was tired, and did not sup with her till the day following. Madame Rufin had a husband who attended to the cooking, and a son, but neither of them came to these suppers.

It was like being slowly tortured to death to hear her speaking so frankly of the thing which he had never been able to contemplate with calmness. "So you see now that I'd better go back to the stable, don't you?" he asked, gloomily. "I suppose so," she said. "I suppose you mean that " but she was unable to formulate what lay in her confused mind. Besides, Luke Bradley was coming in.

"I tell you frankly that if I thought you meant it, I should probably come to you before long for a little help." "If ever you do, I'm your man," Richard assured him heartily. "Any more scraps going?" Hunterleys sipped his whisky and soda thoughtfully. There had been an exodus from the room to watch some heavy gambling at Trente et Quarante, and for a moment they were almost alone.

Tutt and Tutt especially to the latter, who was the more in need of it. If they were ever tempted to stray across the line of professional rectitude her simple assumption that the thing couldn't be done usually settled the matter once and for all. On delicate questions Mr. Tutt frankly consulted her. Without her, Tutt & Tutt would have been shysters; with her they were almost respectable.

He wished to tell frankly of what a good friend he had made, and how this friendship made him more able to realize that other feeling his love for Sally. There was in his mind no suspicion as yet that these two girls might ever stand in conflict as to right-of-way.