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Unless you wire to the contrary, we shall expect you next Tuesday evening on the four-forty train. I shall be at the Central Station myself to meet you. If your brother is now with you, I should be pleased to see him also, and will be most happy to give him a position with the firm. "Aff. your uncle, "Amos Thorpe. "New York, June 6, 1883."

"Oh, how lovely, it will save time looking them up; 'tis four-forty- five now, and at seven the up train is due."

All of Bruce's friends are here, and Hannah Ann is on pins and needles for fear we'll be delayed and not get through in time for the four-forty. She was awfully glad to see you, wasn't she?" "Yep," replied David, grinning. "I was afraid she'd regard me as an interloper in the family abode, but she gave me the glad hand in great shape. I didn't think it was in her to be so hearty.

Cudmore senior, with the faintest possible bow. "Our client, Major Bromham, is not returning until late this afternoon by the four-forty train, in fact. I myself dictated the letter in reply to yours, and fancied I had made it explicit." "Oh, quite. I called merely in the hope that you would give me some further information about my brother's will; since, apart from this legacy, I know nothing."

Four-forty, whispering again, and the gavel drops. The Honourable Giles Henderson of Kingston has.. 412 The Honourable Humphrey Crewe of Leith has... 325 The Honourable Adam B. Hunt of Edmundton has... 250 And there is no choice on the third ballot! Thirteen delegates are actually missing this time. Scour the town! And now even the newspaper adjectives describing the scene have given out.

"Convict-steamer Ludwig Gadd just sailed for Sakhalien with Sziszkinski safe on board. "Tchernigov." The message was dated that same day, and timed as having been despatched from Odessa at four-forty. "Thank you; that will do," remarked von Schalckenberg, as he thrust the paper into his pocket. "Now," he continued, "I want you to take a walk with me in the park.

Four-forty, whispering again, and the gavel drops. The Honourable Giles Henderson of Kingston has . . 412 The Honourable Humphrey Crewe of Leith has . . . 325 The Honourable Adam B. Hunt of Edmundton has. . . 250 And there is no choice on the third ballot! Thirteen delegates are actually missing this time. Scour the town! And now even the newspaper adjectives describing the scene have given out.

At 33,000 feet there was a momentary sensation as if the ship were tilted sharply. It wasn't. The instruments denied any change from level rise. The upward-soaring complex of flying things had simply risen into a jet-stream, one of those wildly rushing wind-floods of the upper atmosphere. "Eastern velocity four hundred," said Mike from the communicator. "Now four-twenty-five.... Four-forty."

Four-forty, whispering again, and the gavel drops. The Honourable Giles Henderson of Kingston has . . 412 The Honourable Humphrey Crewe of Leith has . . . 325 The Honourable Adam B. Hunt of Edmundton has. . . 250 And there is no choice on the third ballot! Thirteen delegates are actually missing this time. Scour the town! And now even the newspaper adjectives describing the scene have given out.

Charles Scully swung to a halt, poured his armful of packages into a wire basket of six-city-postcard-views for ten cents, swung open his overcoat with a sprinkling of snow on its slick-napped velvet collar, lifted his small black mustache in a smile. "Black-eyes, I'd miss three trains for you." "There's not another until the four-forty." "I should worry.