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An injured person must always be carried carefully. That's what I had in mind when I said speed would count, but that I wanted you to think." Tim's cheeks burned. There was more to what Mr. Wall said, but he scarcely heard. The points were awarded Fox patrol, first; Eagles, second; Wolves, last. Bobbie slipped out of the stretcher and Tim turned away forlornly. Don gripped his arm.

"Mabel, my boy, can you lend me fifty dollars?" Acres beheld Colonel Adams standing in the deep shadows at the top of the stairs. He wore a yellow seersucker coat, brown linen trousers, carpet slippers, with the toes of his right foot bandaged and exposed through a slit in the red leather. He was forlornly sober, pale, with his moustache drooping like a rooster's tail in the rain.

She had at last obtained that one great requisite to happiness, a special cavalier of her own, to wait upon her and do her bidding. There was no more slipping home alone forlornly from meetings, no more coaxing John to take her to picnic or concert, no more fear of Gavin Grant seeing her home.

But Elizabeth still clung forlornly to her resolution. She gained some comfort from seeing Eppie growing strong and rosy, and much from Mother MacAllister's counsel. Annie and John Coulson sympathized, too, though even Annie could not quite understand. Just one event broke the monotony of Elizabeth's days before John's homecoming. This was a visit from Estella and Horace.

His fingers were all thumbs as with knife blade he dug into the black pieces of rock. He found gold. Then he stared down the slope, down into the valley with its river winding forlornly away into the desert. But he did not see any of that. Here was reality as sweet, as wonderful, as saving as a dream come true. Yaqui had led him to a ledge of gold.

They print everybody's portrait nowadays, from the common murderer up. Your ox is gored this time, that's all. Cheer up, old man Rah! rah! rah! Harvard!" "I never supposed they would make him look like that, or I wouldn't have let Fred have the photograph to give them," said Josephine, forlornly. "Do you mean that you gave it to them?" I asked, in horror. "It was to Fred I gave it.

In Joe's case there was a difference. 'Where are you going to stay to-night? asked Master Richard. The question sounded practical, but at bottom it was nothing of the sort. It was part of the romance of the thing, and yet it threw cold water on Joe's newly-lighted courage, and put it out again. 'I don't know, said Joe, somewhat forlornly.

Evelyn crowded up beside him and whispered shakenly: "It it was so lonesome down there, so quiet." Tommy frowned unhappily in the darkness. If he sent her back, she would know it was because he knew danger lurked here. Then she would worry. If he did not send her back.... "I'll go back the minute you tell me," she insisted forlornly. "Honestly. But I was lonesome."

"One need not, all the same, get any wetter," he remarked. "Come into the hut, madame." She paid no heed to his words, but stood there looking forlornly round. But the next instant the Captain enforced his invitation by catching hold of her arm and dragging her a pace or two down the hill, while he threw himself on the ground, his head just over the top of the eminence. "Hush," he whispered.

A tragic change occurred in the youth who had been so splendid. He had become old and infirm! His clothes were in tatters, his form was bent, his sword was covered with rust. Then Jack trembling and helpless looked wonderingly and forlornly at Father Time. "What have you done to me?" he asked in a quivering voice. Father Time replied calmly: "I have laid my hand on your shoulder!"