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It is for my own sake I could not bear to have you slain for such a scruple." "I am afraid," returned Denis, "that you underrate the difficulty, madam. What you may be too generous to refuse, I may be too proud to accept. In a moment of noble feeling towards me, you forget what you perhaps owe to others."

"I am certain that the captain is my friend; yet you have heard him, he will obey me, and forget me."

"Take it the other way don't you know what it is to have rest of mind make you forget weariness of body?" "No nor you either," said he. "Then I am sorry for you; and I wish I could get at the mill people." "Why?" "To tell them what I know about it." "But you could not get at them, Mrs. Masters.

But let us not forget while we admire the noble poetry of its form that this is God's oracle, nor that we have each to settle for ourselves whether that day shall be for us a furnace to destroy or a sun to cheer and enlighten. We can only note in a sentence the recurrence in verse 1 of the phrases 'the proud' and they 'that work wickedness, from verse 15 of chapter iii.

Norton lifted up his head, which had been bowed down upon his hand; and I shall never forget how his pale and sharp features did seem paler than their wont, and his solemn voice seemed deeper and sadder.

"I suppose," he added, looking at her frankly, "I should have mentioned my going there. But to tell you the truth, I didn't think anything much about it. It was just business, and when I'm with you, Miss Goldilocks, I like to forget my troubles. You," he declared, his eyes glowing upon her, "are the antidote. And you wouldn't have mo believe you could possibly be jealous!"

He was beginning to be a good deal of a nuisance; he simply came to see Ole whenever there was anything the matter.... Ole interrupted him with a merry laugh. "Whatever you do, don't forget to apologise every time!" Ole signed the papers and said: "How are things coming out?" "Oh, about as usual. One day at a time, you know." "Your wife hasn't moved as yet?" "Not yet no.

None of them impressed me, as compared with this. One of his Madonnas, however, I must not forget to describe, it was a conceit so just like him.

"Sometimes I think we do not understand him; and that after all there may be worse people in the world than Bezers." I looked hard at the lad, for that was not what I had meant. "Worse?" I said. "I do not think so. Hardly!" "Yes, worse," he replied, shaking his head. "Do you remember lying under the curtain in the box-bed at Mirepoix's?" "Of course I do! Do you think I shall ever forget it?"

Do not forget that." "My oath! An oath!" "Certainly. There will be preparation necessary for many days before you can enter. You know the world no longer. It cannot call you." "But if it did " "I say it cannot." "But I might burst my bonds and seek it!" "You might, but I do not think you will.