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There should not be anything terrible in a footstep merely because it is masculine; but Madame Delphine's mind was not prepared to consider that. A terrible secret was haunting her. Yesterday morning she had found a shoe-track in the garden. She had not disclosed the discovery to Olive, but she had hardly closed her eyes the whole night.

Round the doorway the floor was merely sprinkled with rain, and not saturated, which told her that the door had not long been opened. While she stood uncertainly looking in Thomasin heard a footstep advancing from the darkness behind her, and turning, beheld the well-known form in corduroy, lurid from head to foot, the lantern beams falling upon him through an intervening gauze of raindrops.

I sent her out of the house, bag and baggage. But, alas! is this to be the end of all my wise cousin's grand discoveries?" True, of labours that aspired to bring into the chart of science new worlds, of which even the traditionary rumour was but a voice from the land of fable nought left but broken vestiges of a daring footstep!

This minute I heard a footstep crossing the yard. No, it was not my father's it was firmer, quicker, younger. I sprang from the barkheap. "Phineas!" "John!" What a grasp that was both hands! and how fondly and proudly I looked up in his face the still boyish face. But the figure was quite that of a man now. For a minute we forgot ourselves in our joy, and then he let go my hands, saying hurriedly

Cloudless and golden the sun set at night; cloudless and rosy he rose in the morning; sharp and defined in outline the leafless trees rose against the piercing blue of the sky; the frozen ground rang to every footstep; thin patches of snow diversified the landscape; and the healthful air braced even invalid nerves.

And then, with a forced cheerfulness: "You will no doubt thank me some day. Your life must be so different from mine. Good-by." She gave him her hand. He held it for a second, and then was gone. She heard his footstep, rapid and receding. So he had really gone! She was not sorry no. If she could have loved him! She sank back in her chair. No, she could not love him.

With a quaking heart, but as firm a footstep as he could command, Toad set forth cautiously on what seemed to be a most hare-brained and hazardous undertaking; but he was soon agreeably surprised to find how easy everything was made for him, and a little humbled at the thought that both his popularity, and the sex that seemed to inspire it, were really another's.

For the first time I felt the weight of a man who lies unconscious, and strained my stomach as I helped to carry these poor Belgian soldiers. And for the first time I had round my neck the arm of a man who finds each footstep a torturing effort, and who after a pace or two halts and groans, and loses the strength of his legs, so that all his weight hangs upon that clinging arm.

"No, I discovered that in descending," the countess said; "but if you come with me you must take off your boots the print of a man's footstep in the garden would ruin us all; and mind, not a word must be spoken when we have once left the terrace." Taking off their boots they accompanied her through the garden.

Now it was the muffled whirr of the bell, followed by low voices from the room beneath. Now it was the roll of the carriage, bearing her away to dine or to dance, and leaving Weldon to lie and count the minutes until she returned. Now it was her light footstep on the stairs, or, but this was only at long intervals, her hushed voice in the hallway outside his door.