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Thus far the detail foots up only five; just a trifle shy on numbers, and I want it to number, let me see, at least eleven," and he nodded toward the others seated about the room. Some looked at him in doubt. Then Happy said: "But, Mr. Stewart. I'm afraid I've got to beat it for home, sir." "Where is home?" "Up the Hudson, sir." "That's all right. And yours?" indicating Shortie. "Vermont, sir."

I was left a helpless widow, with a daughter on my hands growing up in beauty like the sea-foam; at length, however, as I had the character of being an excellent needlewoman, my lady the duchess, then lately married to my lord the duke, offered to take me with her to this kingdom of Aragon, and my daughter also, and here as time went by my daughter grew up and with her all the graces in the world; she sings like a lark, dances quick as thought, foots it like a gipsy, reads and writes like a schoolmaster, and does sums like a miser; of her neatness I say nothing, for the running water is not purer, and her age is now, if my memory serves me, sixteen years five months and three days, one more or less.

I escorted the family out to their home in Lancaster, Ohio; but, before this had occurred, some most interesting debates took place in the Senate, which I regularly attended, and heard Clay, Benton, Foots, King of Alabama, Dayton, and the many real orators of that day. Mr. Calhoun was in his seat, but he was evidently approaching his end, for he was pale and feeble in the extreme. I heard Mr.

"'Gator 'fraid we come shoot um, and come out of de ribber and 'teal a gun." "Nonsense! An alligator wouldn't do that." "Oh, I done know. 'Gator berry wicked ole rarksle." "Where are the marks then?" I said. "Ah, Pomp find um foots and de mark of de tail."

No man can have more than that, my boy. I am plain Dick Jones now. It's an easy name, and plenty of the same in the land; and if I should die suddenly there would be lots o' folks to feel sorry, eh? But as you are from Acredale I don't mind telling you that it is Elisha Boone that foots the bill.

"I'm not in this, of course, except that your kindness allowed me to be for this day only. But if I were, I shouldn't be following Skeels as you are. I'd still be after Clayte." "It foots up to the same thing," I said rather tartly. "Oh, does it?" she laughed at me. "Two and two are making about three and a half this afternoon, are they?"

When he got dat old fiddle out you couldn' keep yo' foots still. "Christ'mus was de time o' all times on dat old plantation. Dey don't have no such as dat now. Ever' chil' brought a stockin' up to de Big House to be filled. Dey all wanted one o' de mistis' stockin's, 'cause now she weighed nigh on to three hund'ed pounds. Candy an' presents was put in piles for ever' one.

"MY DEAR DOTTY DIMPWILL first, then MY PRUDY: "I'm going to say that I dink milk, and that girl lost my pills. "I see a hop-toad. He hopped. Jennie took her up in his dress. "And 'bout we put hop-toad in wash-dish. He put his foots out, stwetched, honest! He was a slippy fellow. First thing we knowed it, he hopped on to her dress. Isn't that funny?

"Foots soon gets hard when you ain't got no shoes. Nature soles and heels them with her own leather. Lots of our chaps have chucked their boots away, and don't mind a bit. There was plenty of foots in the world, me boy, before there was any brogues. I heered O'Grady say that one day to one of our chaps who had had his boots stolen. I say, what are they going to do?"

"Up to the middle, lad; and if yer give another shove I can get a bit of a pull here. That's yer sort." "I can't get you up no farder, messmate," said Bob. "Yes, I can, if you clap your foots together. I'll plant my hands again 'em, and ram yer along that way. Ready?" "Ay, ready," came in smothered tones. "There you goes then," growled Bob. "Now another. I'll shove yer feet with my hands."