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"This is a prohibition territory " he began. But again Fyles cut him short. The man's irrepressible love of fooling, half good-humored, half malicious, had gone far enough. "Anyway you don't usually get drunk before sundown, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it." Then Inspector Fyles smiled back into the other's face, which had abruptly taken on a look of resentment at the charge.

And was it any wonder I was mad with Micky, seeing how he was loafing along, fooling his money away, not looking ahead and denying himself as a man ought who's got a nice girl waiting for him? I'm quite frank, you see; but when you hear what an ass I've made of myself, you'll not begrudge me the few excuses I have to offer.

They just made out the words, "Sheer off!" when the Ark, with a groaning sound, took ground, and they were almost precipitated over the rail of the bridge. "Aground again, by !" exclaimed Captain Arms, instantly signaling all astern. "I told you not to go fooling round a volcano." "This beats me!" cried Cosmo Versal. "I wonder if the island has begun to rise."

That's Tommy's bald-faced horse alongside. He's fooling to the finish," Lin severely commented, as if, after all this delay, there should at least be a homestretch. Presently, however, a homestretch seemed likely to occur. The bald-faced horse executed some lively manoeuvres, and Tommy's voice reached us faintly through the light spring air.

Her ghastly simulacrum of a jest died in her throat; and he said quickly, a big blush suffusing his face: "I was only fooling, missy. You ain't got the scare, have you?" "The scare?" "Yes; the bug? You ain't afraid you've ate the germ, are you?" "I I dunno." "Pshaw! There's a lot of 'em comes in here more scared than hurt, missy. Never throw a scare till you've had a examination.

"We'll make these beastly little maggots sit up, unless they play properly," said Penny. "There shall be no fooling when we umpire." The Suckers received us with gratifying awe. One of them in a moment of forgetfulness called Pennybet "sir." He accepted it without remark, as his due. For half-an-hour we did well. Six balls went to every "over," no more and no less.

Oh, stop fooling me ... the idea: little animals alive in the water unless you boil it! Ugh! Well, I can't see nothing in it myself." Camilla continued to cross-question him with such familiarity that she suddenly found herself addressing him intimately, in the singular tu. Absorbed in his own thoughts, Luis Cervantes had ceased listening to her.

Will you swear that on oath on your sacred word of honour as an English gentleman?" "Don Carlos must have misunderstood me," Standish responded, nervously licking his dry lips. "Look here, Cojuelo, drop this fooling and be sensible. I realise you've got the whip hand, so to speak, and can dictate your own terms. How much do you want?

"Goodness!" laughed Audrey. "That's the only pretty thing I have ever heard you say. I am sure it must be your first attempt. Now, isn't it?" He laughed. "And it wasn't strictly honest," proceeded Audrey daringly. "You know you don't think that of any woman under the sun." He did not contradict her. He had a feeling that she was fooling him, but somehow he rather liked it.

My life on it, while I have been fooling my time here, she is in the field, with all the arts of our sex, simplicity at the head of them." Triplet was making a futile endeavor to convert her to his view of her rival, when a knock suddenly came to his door. A slovenly girl, one of his own neighbors, brought him a bit of paper, with a line written in pencil.