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"She said it was always a-whisperin' 'come come come!" June crooned the words, "an' atter she died, I heerd the folks sayin' as how she riz up in bed with her eyes right wide an' sayin' "I hears it! It's a-whisperin' I hears it come come come'!" And still Hale kept quiet when she stopped again.

Far away in the distance she heard their music again, and it did not come from under ground. She ran to overtake it, and turned into Bleecker Street. No music-man there, but a good supply of oranges and apples. "Needn't folks put their hands in, and take some out the barrels? Then why for did the folks put 'em on' doors?"

There's the sky and the earth, and there are folks, and we're more or less real to each other, and there's something back of it. But I believe when you die, you're asleep sound asleep I almost know it. And why we should wake up a bit and then go to sleep forever is more than my pa knows or any person in the world knows." Mitch scared me with his talk.

All I can do is listen and try to be on the right side when the voting comes." "Can't you make a law to oblige old men to stop fighting each other," she demanded, petulantly "fighting each other, and making all their folks uncomfortable?" "I think it would be a good law, especially in one case I know about. But sometimes the best laws don't get passed." "I'll come down and make a speech for it.

And I'll do just as you think you'd like best; I'll tell you about the people we're going to see and try to guess as well as I can who else may be there. Or I won't tell you anything at all just leave you to remember that 'folks is folks, and to find out the rest for yourself. You needn't decide now. Take all day to think about it, if you like."

"Well, hereafter, you may keep the ten dollars yourself." "Thank you." After a pause, she spoke again: "Didn't you say the black people are free?" "Yes." "White people are free, too, ain't they?" "Yes." "Then why shouldn't you pay me ten dollars every time I 'tend upon the black folks on the plantation?" The question was evidently designed as a "corner."

"I can't think of a single person jolly enough to please us and dull enough to please the folks." "How about one of our mothers?" Violet suggested. "I know my mother wouldn't do it," said Billie. "The last time I asked her to chaperone us girls she said she would as soon chaperone a trio of eels." "And when I asked mother," Laura added, "she said she would have nervous prostration in a week."

'None in the world, said the postilion; 'all I was going to say was, that you agreed to run away together, you from college, and she from boarding-school. Well, there's nothing to be ashamed of in a matter like that, such things are done every day by young folks in high life. 'Are you offended? said I to Belle.

"Oh, Mr. Winkler!" cried Bunny. "We're so glad to see you!" "Yes, and I guess your folks will be glad to see YOU!" answered the old sailor. "They've been looking all over for you, and only a little while ago I noticed that your boat was gone. I thought maybe you had gone on a voyage down the river, so I said I'd come down and look, as far as the island, anyhow. And here you are!

Though I must confess that at first, when he heard my voice, he looked up much startled, and even rose from his seat. But I told him lots of folks thought I talked like Dorothy Parkman; and I just laughed and turned it off, and made nothing of it. And so pretty quick he made nothing of it, too. After that we got along beautifully." "I should say you did!" retorted Susan, almost enviously.