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Gaston whispered gloomily behind my chair: "Mon petit caporal" he called me that because of a fancied likeness to the young Napoleon "dites donc. Vous croyex quils vont passer par Amiens? Non, ce n'est pas possible, ca! Pour la deuxieme fois? Non. Je refuse a le croire. Mais c'est mauvais, c'est affreux, apres tant de sacrifice!"

"Sur ma lyre, l'autre fois Dans un bois, Ma main preludait a peine; Une colombe descend En passant, Blanche sur le luth d'ebene" "Mais au lieu d'accords touchants, De doux chants, La colombe gemissante Me demande par pitie Sa moitie Sa moitie loin d'elle absente!"

The Countess, suspecting what they had been after, resumed the conversation as soon as Mr. Jorrocks was seated. "You shall manger cinque fois every day," said she; "cinque fois," she repeated. "Humph!" said Mr. Jorrocks to himself, "what can that mean? cank four four times five's twenty eat twenty times a day not possible!" "Oui, Monsieur, cinque fois," repeated the Countess, telling the number off on her fingers "Café at nine of the matin, déjeuner

Of course, while I am telling you things like this you will have to bring your imagination into play, as very few vestiges of the old days remain. I still get just as much fun out of Il y avait une fois, even when the "once on a time" can only be conjured up with closed eyes.

He was almost disavowed by his Government. The ministers were timid and unwilling that France should take any initiative even his friend, Leon Say, then Minister of Finances, a very clever man and brilliant politician, said: "Notre collegue Waddington, contre son habitude, s'est emballe cette fois pour la question de la Tunisie."

Then she turned to me, and I awaited her words with a desperate sort of courage. "I believe you," she said. "I remember you now. My sister was the wife of your keeper at the common jail. You shall be safe. Alas! my Jean might have died without a word to me all alone in the night. Merci mille fois, monsieur!" Then she rocked a little to and fro, and the old man looked at her like a curious child.

The Vicomte left the rotunda, and putting up his eyeglasses, began to examine the crowd in the garden. The Palais Royal was at that time the central point of Paris, and served as a rendezvous for everybody. Each café had its special customers. The Bonapartists went to one, foreigners to another the Mille Colonnes speculators to the Café de Fois, and so on.

One day, returning from your government office, after lingering for a long time before the rich and tasteful book shop of Chevet, hovering in suspense between the hundred francs of expense, and the joys of a Strasbourg pate de fois gras, you are struck dumb on finding this pate proudly installed on the sideboard of your dining-room. Is this the vision offered by some gastronomic mirage?

Albert, who is just as tall as Ernest but stouter, is extremely handsome; his hair is about the same colour as mine; his eyes are large and blue, and he has a beautiful nose and a very sweet mouth with fine teeth; but the charm of his countenance is his expression, which is most delightful; c'est a la fois full of goodness and sweetness, and very clever and intelligent."

At sight of Broglio and Seckendorf combined, Prince Karl did at once withdraw from Braunau; but as to attacking him, "NON; MILLE FOIS, NON!" answered Broglio disdainfully bellowing. First grand quarrel of Broglio and Seckendorf; by no means their last.