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Suddenly, a swift shadow, like the fabulous flying-dragon, writhed through the air before her, and she felt herself instantly seized and borne aloft. It was that wild beast the most savage and serpentine and subtle and fearless of our latitudes known by hunters as the Indian Devil, and he held her in his clutches on the broad floor of a swinging fir-bough.

At his side was his long bow, carefully wrapped in water-resistant flying-dragon skin, and from the belt which supported his short breeches of tanned duocorn hide swung a two-foot blade half wood-knife, half sword. To the eyes of his Terran forefathers he would have presented a barbaric picture.

"Not a snake-devil," Dalgard deduced. As far as he knew only the huge reptiles or their smaller flying-dragon cousins preyed upon animals. But a snake-devil would have left no remains of anything as small as a hopper, one mouthful which could not satisfy its gnawing hunger. And a flying dragon would have picked the bones clean. "Them!" Sssuri's reply was clipped. "They hunt for sport."

The little lizard, which enjoys the formidable name of "flying-dragon," flits by means of a structure altogether peculiar namely, by the liberation and great elongation of some of the ribs which support a fold of skin.

There is no relation of homology between them, because they have no common resemblance as to their relations to surrounding parts, or as to their mode of origin. Similarly, there is no homology between the wing of the bat and that of the flying-dragon, for the latter is formed of certain ribs, and not of limb bones.