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Tommy swam out of the sea, came to the boat, discovered, Heaven knows how, that his friend was there, and, in the way of noises, did everything but speak. The sea-birds followed and fluttered here and there in an erratic way, with now and then a peck at each other. All animated nature seemed to be uneasy at this eclipse of their Hazel.

The heat grew less intense as an occasional, vagrant breeze stirred in the brush and fluttered the handkerchief round Waring's throat. Ahead, the cañon broadened to the mesa lands, where the distant green of a line of trees marked the boundary of the Armigo rancho. Presently Vaca began to sing; softly at first, then with insane vehemence as the fever mounted to his brain.

"It will at least fill my empty hours. . . . Better, dear it will keep you before me in all the day's duties; since, though I miss you, all day long I shall be learning to be a good wife." As she said it her hand went up to her side beneath her left breast, as something fluttered there, soft as a bird's wing stirring. It fluttered for a moment under her palm, then ceased.

She was an angel with wings, beautiful dappled wings, such as I had read of not long since in the legend of Vörösmarty. All around me she fluttered: but I could not move, my feet were so heavy, albeit there was something from which I ought to escape, until she seized my hand and then I could run so lightly that I did not touch the earth even with the tips of my feet.

The girl listened to this cheerful and loquacious proposal and courtship all in one, ending with the premature bestowal of a title, in mingled anger, amusement, disdain, and apprehension. Her heart fluttered, then stood still, then flew up in her throat, then grew terribly hot and hurt her, so that she pressed her hand to her bosom as though that might ease it.

I'm willing to woo you as gallantly as can any man, but you've got to keep some faith with me as the representative of our house and of the cause which, as a Southern girl, should be first always in its claims." Her heart fluttered, for his words suggested both knowledge and a menace.

He laid the paper on her dressing-table. "May his soul rot!" he whispered. He did not look at her. Darkness and distance lay between them, but fearfully she crept up to him and touched his arm. "Zebedee " He turned swiftly, and his face made her shrink back. "You you dare to tell me this! And you said you loved me. I thought you loved me." "I did. I do," she moaned, and her hands fluttered.

Goble knocked the ash off his cigar. "The public don't want epigrams. The public don't like epigrams. I've been in the show business fifteen years, and I'm telling you! Epigrams give them a pain under the vest. All right, get on." Mr Pilkington fluttered agitatedly. This was his first experience of Mr Goble in the capacity of stage-director.

He had wrapped a long mantle over his white night-dress which fluttered about him like the wings of a bat. It was old Hétfalusy. In each hand he held a loaded pistol, and as the opening door groaned on its hinges he cried in a hoarse voice: "Here I am, but whoever dares to lay a hand upon the girl, him will I shoot first and the girl afterwards."

Three dreadful days and nights dragged their tedious hours along, and the village sank into a hopeless stupor. No one had heart for anything. The accidental discovery, just made, that the proprietor of the Temperance Tavern kept liquor on his premises, scarcely fluttered the public pulse, tremendous as the fact was.