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Now " she pointed at the door with a superb forefinger so that Rachel had to lead the way. "Oh, and Yarmouth," Mrs. Flushing called back over her shoulder. "Put those things away and hang 'em in their right places, there's a good girl, or it fusses Mr. Flushin'." To all of which Yarmouth merely replied, "Yes, ma'am."

It's that friendly wink though, that makes me remember puttin' up that game on him with the fake message, and somehow I felt cheap and mean. Here he was, treatin' me white and square, and I'd been handin' him a piece of fresh bunk. "Mr. Robert," says I, standin' pigeontoed and flushin' up some, "you remember that message from the bridge people Trimble, it was signed?" "Oh, yes," says he.

"They was tired out th' nex' day till about five o'clock, whin thim that was in me head begin flushin' out th' rooms; an' I knew there was goin' to be doin's in th' top flat. What did thim Mickrobes do but invite all th' other Mickrobes in f'r th' ev'nin'. They all come. Oh, by gar, they was not wan iv them stayed away. At six o'clock they begin to move fr'm me shins to me throat.

"'This holdin' a gun on your friends ain't no picnic, whispers Cherokee to Nell, an' flushin' up an' then turnin' pale, 'but your word goes with me, Nell. Then Cherokee thinks a minute. 'Now, this yere is the way we does, he says at last. 'I'll make 'em a long talk. You-all run over to the corral an' bring the best hoss you sees saddled.

"Time?" sez I. "Well, now, I dunno as I feel any inborn hankerin' to slaughter time; but if the game laws ain't in force I wouldn't mind flushin' up a covey of fat young ham sandwidges." "You're a funny cuss," sez he. "I am," sez I; "an' I hope I won't come sudden in front of a lookin'-glass.

But why not see Father and tell him about it? Know the old gent, don't you?" "Ye-e-es," says Westy, flushin' a bit. "But he well, he's her father, of course. She can't help that. And it makes no difference at all to me if he isn't really refined not a bit. But but I'd rather not talk to him just now. I I prefer to see Mrs. Ull."

And I felt every word I said, for at that very minute a lady, or rather a female woman, passed with a dress on so low in the neck that I instinctively turned away my head, and when I looked round agin, a deep blush wuz mantlin' the cheeks of Josiah Allen, a flushin' up his face, clear up into his bald head. I don't believe I had ever been prouder of Josiah Allen, than I wuz at that minute.

About as much delicate reserve, Billy has, as a traffic cop clearin' up a street tangle. "Indeed!" says Mr. Robert, flushin' a bit. "Clever of you to remember her. I er I trust she was charmed to meet you again?" "The deuce you do!" comes back Billy. "Anyway, she wasn't as grouchy about it as you are. Say, she's all right, Miss Hampton is; a heap too nice for a big ham like you, as I always said."

"I remember," says I. "You side-tracked the lovely Marcelle for that little blonde from. Richmond, didn't you?" "A mere passing fancy," says Waddy, flushin' up. "Nothing serious. She was really engaged all the time to Bent Hawley. They're to be married next month, I hear. But Marcelle! She has come.

Course I do shoot a deer once in a while in season; and lots o' pa'tridges, they bein' so tame yuh c'n knock them over as they sit on the lower limb o' a tree after flushin'. I ketch wheens o' trout, too, from time to time; but I give yuh my word I never yet killed anything when the law was on it, never!" When Obed said a thing in his emphatic way, he was to be relied on, Max thought.