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Not to enter the room thus indicated would have been possible enough, but the compelling influence of that vast flunkey made it impossible to Jones. His volition had fled, he was subdued to his surroundings, for the moment conquered.

If you don't, I'll tell Dr McTougall that you gave me an' the old lady a full, true, an' partikler account o' the whole affair, from the fust bustin' out o' the flames, an' the calling o' the ingines, to the last crash o' the fallin' roof, and the roastin' alive of the 'ousehold cat. I will, as sure as you're a six-foot flunkey!"

The terrible scowl had vanished from his face, which was perfectly recomposed into its urbane, bland charm. "Now perhaps you'll inform me who they are, old man," George suggested, relinquishing his overcoat to a flunkey, and following Lucas into the cloister set apart for the cleansing of hands which have meddled with machinery. "The Wheeler woman is one didn't I tell you?"

Knights in armour were guarding it, and a flunkey, six feet high, in red plush breeches, and with calves that would have made Victor Jones scream with laughter under normal conditions. The flunkey, seeing our friend, stepped to a door, opened it, and held it open for him.

Podge and Miss Podge, the wife and daughter of the Principal of Lord Buckram's College, I don't know, but that reverend old gentleman was too profound a flunkey by nature ever for one minute to think that a child of his could marry a nobleman. He therefore hastened on his daughter's union with Professor Crab.

I believe it was the first time of our acquaintance that he addressed me not in the singular goodness knows why. Most likely, in my night clothes and with my face distorted by coughing, I played my part poorly, and was very little like a flunkey. "If you are ill, why do you take a place?" he said. "That I may not die of starvation," I answered.

He threw the light of his pocket-lantern on the servant's face and chuckled: "He's not a pretty gentleman either... You can't have a very clear conscience, Leonard; besides, to play flunkey to Daubrecq the deputy...! Have you finished, Vaucheray? I don't want to hang about here for ever!" "There's no danger, governor," said Gilbert. "Oh, really?... So you think that shots can't be heard?..."

Ten minutes of joyride, at ten dollars per joy you mind the mob that follered us to the hotel just for a look-in? Say one in ten takes a ride, look at the clean-up! You take 'em yourself, bo do the flunkey work and look wise. I never mentioned the joyridin' at first, because I look on that as side money, and exhibition flyers don't do nothing like that. They think it cheapens 'em, and it does.

If I had low secrets I would not stand up against the side of a caravan when I wanted to talk about them. I was inside. Not to hear you I should have had to stop my ears." "Why didn't you, then, you low-bred flunkey?" "Because I had heard of you what made it my duty to listen." Marway cursed his insolence, and asked what he was doing in such a place. He would report him, he said.

I will speak of the contemptible slave, of the stinking, depraved flunkey who will first climb a ladder with scissors in his hands, and slash to pieces the divine image of the great ideal, in the name of equality, envy, and... digestion. Let my curse thunder out upon them, and then then..." "The madhouse?" "Perhaps.