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The alternative is a Franklin stove, a combination of stove and fireplace, which can be installed and connected to the existing chimney at a very moderate expense. Incidentally, the chimneys of an old house should be examined carefully. Built in the days before separate flues and flue tiles, their mortar may have lost its binding strength and so a smoke test is advisable.

There was not a partition that he did not tap, nor a block of chimneys that he did not narrowly examine; all water-pipes, flues, cisterns, and sewers underwent an investigation; he even descended, in the care of his friend, so far as to bore sundry boards in the floors with a bradawl. Mr.

"Korea is not a part of China, but is independent. "The Koreans do not speak the Chinese language, and their language resembles neither the Chinese nor the Japanese. "Korea made treaties in 1882. "All the articles are owned by the government. "Korea has electric lights, steamships, telegraph, but no railroads. "Koreans live in comfortable houses, heated by flues under the floor.

The first flue past the actual furnace shown with ordinary dead-plate, raking fire-bars, ashpit, fire-door, and ashpit door for regulating draught has walls 4-1/2 in. thick; above, smaller bricks, 3 in. wide; but in a larger apparatus, 9 in. and 4-1/2 in. respectively would be required. The quarries between flues and air spaces are 24 in. by 24 in. by 3 in., with rebated joints.

The traps employed in the washing rooms should be of the best possible design and material, and proof against the evil known as "siphoning." The gullies above them are best placed adjoining one of the ventilators in the walls, at the floor level, as then a current of air sweeps over them and up the extraction flues.

"There are not many in the market at the present time. But I don't know what mine will be. This is going to be some job." "Bless my flues and clinkers!" cried Mr. Damon, "you are not losing hope, Tom Swift? Look what you did for my chicken run. And believe me, that entanglement will give a shock that makes a man stand right up and shake." "Have you tried it yourself?" asked Tom. "No.

Does not this look egotistical, selfish? But still more, all these separate flues, instead of having independent masonry establishments of their own, or instead of being grouped together in one federal stock in the middle of the house instead of this, I say, each flue is surreptitiously honey-combed into the walls; so that these last are here and there, or indeed almost anywhere, treacherously hollow, and, in consequence, more or less weak.

"I concluded to go at the matter right, and after two hours of hard work, managed to get the upright throttle-pipe out of the dome. I drew her water down below the flue-line, and though it was tolerably warm, I got in. "Both of my surmises were partially correct; the canvas was rotted, in a measure, and the bags were fastened to the flues.

When the tubes are small in diameter they are apt to become partially choked with pieces of coke; but an internal diameter of 1-5/8ths may be employed without inconvenience if the draught be of medium intensity. Q. Will you illustrate the relation between the length and diameter of locomotive tubes by a comparison with the proportion of flues in flue boilers?

These fire-stands, as used by the ancients, were very different from the fire-places of modern times, which are recesses in chimneys with flues above for the passage of the smoke. The household fires of the ancients were placed in the center of the apartment, on a hearth or supporter called the focus. This hearth was made sometimes of stone or brick, and sometimes of bronze.