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These three proved Flucker's point as well as three million. They hauled in the net. Before they had a quarter of it in, the net came up to the surface, and the sea was alive with molten silver. The upper half of the net was empty, but the lower half was one solid mass of fish. The boys could not find a mesh, they had nothing to handle but fish.

Christie ordered the boats alongside her cutter, and five nets were dropped into each boat, six into Flucker's. The depth of the water was given them, and they were instructed to shoot their nets so as to keep a fathom and a half above the rocky bottom.

Think of that, lass! Skipper of a vessel, whose rig he generously left his sister free to determine; premising that two masts were, in his theory of navigation, indispensable, and that three were a great deal more like Cocker than two. This led to a general consultation; Flucker's ambition was discussed and praised.

She darted to Flucker's side. "Ye hae na been sae daft as tell?" asked she. Flucker shook his head contemptuously. "Ony birds at the island, Flucker?" "Sea-maws, plenty, and a bird I dinna ken; he moonted sae high, then doon like thunder intil the sea, and gart the water flee as high as Haman, and porpoises as big as my boat."

This new care kept the sister in her own house all the next day; but toward the evening Jean, who knew her other anxiety, slipped in and offered to take her place for an hour by Flucker's side; at the same time she looked one of those signals which are too subtle for any but woman to understand.

She snatched Flucker's cap, planted her foot on the gunwale, held on by a rope, hailed the poor fellow again, and waved the cap round and round her head, to give him courage; and in a moment, at the sight of this, thousands of voices thundered back their cheers to her across the water.

"No!" said Christie, "I'll no let ye go, sae look me i' the face; Flucker's dochter, your auld comrade, that saved your life at Holy Isle, think o' his face an' look in mines an' strike me!!!" They glared on one another he fiercely and unsteadily; she firmly and proudly. Jean Carnie said afterward, "Her eyes were like coals of fire."