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All the birds loved the pond, and would fly down of a morning to have a regular splash and wash; flicking the water about with their wings, and sending it flashing and sparkling ever so high in the air, and making the little black tadpoles or pod-noddles go scuffling off into the deeper water.

"Shut up, you mick," Honey interposed, flicking Pete on the ear with a pebble. "What do you know about machinery?" Pete grinned and subsided for a moment. Honey could always placate him by calling him a mick. "No," Ralph went on obstinately, addressing himself this time to Billy, "I mean right. Of course, I mean right," he went on with one of his, gusty bursts of, irritation.

The road between Saint-Lys and Morteyn was not a military road, but it was firm and smooth, and Jack drove back again towards the Château at a smart trot, flicking at leaves and twigs with Cecil's whip. The sun had brushed the veil of rain from the horizon; the leaves, fresh and tender, stirred and sparkled with dew in the morning breeze, and all the air was sweet-scented.

At that moment Sir Langham was very carefully flicking the ash from the end of his cigar, otherwise he might have observed that as he spoke his companion flushed. A wave of warm colour surged over her face and bare neck and receded again, leaving her very pale. Her hands closed over the book lying in her lap, as if glad to hold on to something, and their knuckles were white against the tan.

Even as Phobar created the image of that terrific death, his captor whirled around in a lightning movement, a long arm of metal flicking outward at the same instant to drop Phobar to the ground. Like a flash Phobar was on his feet; his hand whipped from his pocket, and with all his strength he flung a gleaming object straight toward the fifth lever on the control-panel a dozen yards away.

Old Ogrebones was the great man of the place; but, in the cool of the evening, out would come sailing from the midst of the little reed island, and flicking their round stumpy tails, the moor hens swimming away, to the great disgust of the white ducks, who said they were only impostors, and had no business to swim, because they had no webs to their feet, but only long straggling toes.

"Mister S'leckman," he shouted, "I want to introduce you to Perfessor Perfessor I ain't got your name yit so I can speak it," he said, turning to his passenger. "Professor Derolli," prompted the passenger, flicking his cigarette ash.

He dropped to his knees and rubbed the ground with his neck in sheer abandonment to the joy of his own abandoned wickedness. He rose up in the hollow which he had dug, lowered his horns, and glowered at the youth, who advanced with a kind of awkward bull-strength of his own. "Chase yourself!" cried Bertram Chester, flicking the halter.

I did not know where it would lead if I kept on. Drowned lovers were not what I was looking for. "You say you have only been two years in Suresne?" I resumed, carelessly, flicking the ashes from my cigar. "But two years, Monsieur." "Why did you leave Paris?" "Ah, when one is over fifty it is quite done. Is it not so, Monsieur?" this made with a little deferential wave of his hand.

I like to walk slowly round the ward, stooping and rising over the white beds, flicking the sheets mechanically from the mattress, and finally turning the mattress with an ease which gives me pleasure because I am strong. In life nothing is too small to please.... Once during the evening the eldest Sister said to me: "I am worried about your throat. Is it no better?"