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Miriam, who supposed, of course, that she would be wanted, was there to meet her, and there was no necessity for ringing or knocking. "My name," said the visitor, "is La Fleur, if you please. I came to see Mrs. Drane and Miss Drane, if you please. Thank you very much, I will come in. I will wait here, or, if you will be so good as to tell me where I can find Mrs. Drane, I will go to her.

To the sight of Irene and that dead fellow sitting side by side in the stand at Lord's. To her and that boy at Robin Hill. To the sofa, where Fleur lay crushed up in the corner; to her lips pressed into his cheek, and her farewell "Daddy." And suddenly he saw again Irene's grey-gloved hand waving its last gesture of release.

During extremely hot weather, or to an author reading his production, you may offer a glass of sirup, or eau sucrée, or if a lady becomes faint, some fleur d'orange and water; but it is provincial to propose anything else; and, indeed, the French never eat between meals, or in any rank above the very lowest will one be seen to partake of anything in the street, fruit or cake, or even give them to their children, it being considered quite mob-manners to do so.

The child was a "very pretty little thing," too, and quite a credit to take about, with her mother's French taste and gift for wearing clothes; everybody turned to look at Fleur great consideration to Winifred, a lover of the style and distinction which had so cruelly deceived her in the case of Montague Dartie.

"Drive your hardest to Bel-Air, the Marquis's fete begins at nine o'clock!" said the villain addressed, who was none other than the famous nobleman's pander.... What cared the Marquis and La Fleur about the blind one's misfortunes. As La Fleur had said: "Never fear blindness is ever a good stock in trade. She'll find her career in the streets of Paris!"

Her face, if you had seen it, would have convinced you. The idea that you should marry his daughter is a nightmare to her, Jon. I have nothing to say against Fleur save that she is his daughter. But your children, if you married her, would be the grandchildren of Soames, as much as of your mother, of a man who once owned your mother as a man might own a slave. Think what that would mean.

The dog came slowly with a grudging tail, and Soames mechanically laid a pat on his head. The dog, the bird, the lilac all were part of Fleur for him; no more, no less. 'Too fond of her! he thought, 'too fond! He was like a man uninsured, with his ships at sea.

His mother and I think he is too young at present. The boy is very dear, and the apple of her eye. Verbum sapientibus, "Your loving father, That was all; but it renewed in Holly an uneasy regret that Fleur was coming. After tea she fulfilled that promise to herself and took Jon up the hill. They had a long talk, sitting above an old chalk-pit grown over with brambles and goosepenny.

"Interfered," answered Trois Eschelles, with some earnestness, "to take down the dead body of a criminal, when the fleur de lys was marked on the tree where he was hung with my own proper hand." "How is this, young man?" said the Archer; "how came you to have committed such an offence?" "As I desire your protection," answered Durward, "I will tell you the truth as if I were at confession.

On receiving her invitation, June had first thought, 'I wouldn't go near them for the world! and then, one morning, had awakened from a dream of Fleur waving to her from a boat with a wild unhappy gesture. And she had changed her mind. When Fleur came forward and said to her, "Do come up while I'm changing my dress," she had followed up the stairs.