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A few fleecy clouds sped rapidly overhead, driven by a light breeze which swept across the long plains, from the distant Atlantic. The sun peeping forth at intervals, illumined all the fresh young verdure of the countryside. An entire world animated the woods through which we passed. From before our equipage fled squirrels, field-mice, parroquets of brilliant colors and deafening loquacity.

He waved his hat at the dark wreaths of vapor that were blowing across the island overhead. The smoke scudded across the sky like small fleecy clouds, but it momentarily grew thicker and blacker. "She's smoking up all right," laughed Billy Barnes, all his fears gone now that rescue seemed at hand. Ben alone of the party seemed troubled. "I'm not so sure that that's steamer smoke," he said slowly.

She was, indeed, indescribably lovely; her rounded arms, her taper fingers, which slightly raised the fleecy robe and exposed the fairy foot, the small aristocratic head, slightly inclined to one side, the flashing eyes, the sweet, attractive smile, were irresistible; every one admired, and every glance betrayed admiration.

Then they eat, these young, Stubbses and Muggses, how they do eat! then they are dressed, how they are dressed! five different tartans, four colours in velvet, seven sorts of ribbons, and a woolpack of fleecy hosiery, as if there wasn't another Stubbs or Muggs in existence; then how they annoy and infest, with bad manners and noise, the deputies and common-councilmen who visit at Stubbses and Muggses; how the maids "drat them" all day long, and how Mrs Stubbs and Mrs Muggs hate Mr Sucklethumb, the butterman, because he never "notices the child."

You are so proud of him when you ride together!" "Esther, I have seen him in the morning when he came to rouse me his face as white as his gown; his golden hair long, and so fleecy that it would stand all about his head; his mouth arched like the Indian's bow; his great blue eyes bordered with dark brows and lashed with jet-black hairs a half-inch long.

The long sloping mesas were bright with golden poppies; fleecy white clouds bedecked the azure of a western sky, flushing now with carmine tints. Cowbells tinkled musically faint with distance and from the vaquero quarters came a herder's song, a woman's laughter, the tinkle of a guitar. "What are you dreaming of, my friend?" asked Alice Windham, gently.

B., thrown back on the bed with her fine legs and thighs fully exposed; above all, the sight of the pinky gash, with its fleecy hair at the bottom of her belly, which I had seen for some minutes all open and oozing out the slimy juice that followed the amorous encounter they had been indulging in. It seemed so much more developed than Miss Evelyn's.

Can you knit, Susan?" "Yes, Miss Patty." "Well, bring a piece of knitting work, not an old grey thing, a piece of nice, fleecy white wool work. Have you any?" "I've not, Miss, but I'll get some white yarn from my sister, and start a shawl or a tippet." "Yes; do that. Then you just sit there, you know, and knit and glance around the room now and then, and smile benignly.

That long rainy day dragged its slow length to a close; and then came fine days, in which Molly and her fox-terriers went wandering over the sunlit hills, skipping and dancing across the mountain streamlets gills, as they were called in this particular world almost as gaily as the shadows of fleecy cloudlets dancing up yonder in the windy sky.

The Cæsar had commanded his presence here to-day, and he had come because the Cæsar had commanded. To the last he would render unto Cæsar that which was Cæsar's. But he had stood by with eyes that only saw a golden head crowned with diamonds, a delicate oval cheek coloured like a peach and tiny fleecy curls that fluttered softly in the breeze.