United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Every appearance a riot; stage-door Johns standing on their heads; members of our best families dying to lead her to the altar; under five-year contract with Bergman, and refuses to marry until the time's up. Say, Bergman can certainly pick 'em, can't he? I'll frame it for a special cop at the back door, detailed to hold off the matrimony squad of society youths, if you can use it."

Rhode Island, the State dominated by Aldrich, offers perhaps the worst example. Under a five-year contract, dated July 7th, 1906, and renewable for five years more at the option of private contractors, the labor of the inmates of the Rhode Island Penitentiary and the Providence County Jail is sold to the Reliance-Sterling Mfg. Co. at the rate of a trifle less than 25 cents a day per man.

All shore birds should have a five-year close season. The use of the machine shotguns in hunting should be stopped. The laws should permit the sale, under tag, of all species of game that can successfully be reared in preserves on a commercial basis. Two or three state game preserves, for deer, each at least four miles square, should be established without delay.

+The Time-treatment Principle and the Five-year Rule.+ In setting a modern standard for the fitness of syphilitics for marriage it may be said at the outset that there is little justification for making the mere fact of a previous syphilitic infection a permanent bar in the majority of cases.

"Now one at a time, my children, and then I can give you each a good kiss," he said at last, when he succeeded in making himself heard through the tumult, "first the youngest, and then the others according to age. Now, my little Hunne, what have you to tell me?" So saying, Mr. Birkenfeld drew his chubby five-year old boy to his knees.

The officers are educated in naval schools, with a five-year course for regulars and three years for the reserves, which include all the merchant sailors and fishermen. Norway has taken an active part in the promotion of international arbitration, and has sent delegates to every conference on that subject.

Will the people who still have wild game take heed now, and clamp down the brakes, hard and fast before it is too late, or will they have their game exterminated? Shall we have five-year close seasons, or close seasons of 500 years? We must take our choice. Shall we hand down to our children a gameless continent, with all the shame that such a calamity will entail?

The dark vivid eyes seemed to glow in the soft light. "Forgive me if I talk frank; and if it sounds silly I can't help it," Ben continued. "You've never been in prison with a five-year sentence hanging over you and nobody giving a damn. For some reason I can't guess you've already done more for me than I can ever hope to repay.

In 1979 the Interior Department held six OCS lease sales, the greatest number ever, which resulted in federal receipts of $6.5 billion, another record. The five-year OCS Leasing schedule was completed, requiring 36 sales over the next five years. Since 1971 no general federal coal lease sales were suspended.

Fitz-Roy's interest in the scientific work was only general: longitude and latitude, his twenty-four chronometers, his maps and constant soundings, with minute records, kept his time occupied. For Darwin and his specimens, however, he had a constantly growing respect, and when the long five-year trip was ended, Darwin realized that the gruff and grim Captain was indeed his friend.