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"And what possessed you, my dear, for the sake of Marriott and her gold fishes, to trouble yourself to bring such stuff a hundred and seventy miles?" "To oblige little Charles Percival," said Miss Portman. "He was anxious to keep his promise of sending it to your Helena.

You know when a great crowd goes off upon an excursion, there are always men and boys to go along for the purpose of merchandise and to strike a bargain: and so, I suppose, this boy had gone along for the purpose of merchandise; but he was nearly all sold out, having only five loaves and two fishes left. He is a generous boy, and he turns them over to Christ.

To this he had hundreds of answers coming from all parts of the country, many of them very shrewd and observing, giving facts respecting the habits of fishes, as well as concerning their habitat, and offering aid in the general object. Nor were these empty promises.

Then she began to hear the words all about her, and she found that the little sea green man, and the fishes, small and great, and the dolphins and the old constable sword fish were all singing the same song, each in his own way.

Two days after this she sailed for Norway, and Jörgen made himself useful on the farm, and at the fishery, in which there was much more done then than is now-a-days. The shoals of mackerel glittered in the dark nights, and showed the course they were taking; the crabs gave piteous cries when pursued, for fishes are not so mute as they are said to be.

For Nevians are true amphibians. Their blood is cold; they use with equal comfort and efficiency gills and lungs for breathing; their scaly bodies are equally at home in the water or in the air; their broad, flat feet serve equally well for running about upon a solid surface or for driving their stream-lined bodies through the water at a pace few of our fishes can equal.

"Do you think I did much mischief?" said Kate, raising herself on her arm. "I am sure the fishes must have been frightened, and the water- lilies broken. Oh! you can't think how nasty their great coiling stems were just like snakes! But those pretty blue and pink flowers! Did it hurt them much, do you think or the fish?"

All regions which are visited by strong tides commonly have in the shallows near the shores a thick growth of seaweed which furnishes an ample provision of food for the fishes and other forms of animal life. A peculiar effect arising from tidal action is believed by students of the phenomena to be found in the slowing of the earth's rotation on its axis.

I fear him on your account as well as upon my own. Be assured that he will never forgive you for last evening. But, she exclaimed, starting up, 'we had better try for some fish, or grandmother will suspect that I have been blabbing. 'Why should we not go to the pond? The captain says that there are plenty of fishes there. 'Do not speak of it, she said with a shudder.

"How he swims about! What are you going to do with him, Rollo?" "O, I shall carry him home, and keep him." "O, you can't keep him," said James; "you have not got any pond." "Never mind," said Rollo, "I can keep him in a bowl in the house." "What shall you give him to eat?" said James. "Eat! fishes never eat; they only drink. I shall give him fresh water every day, and that will keep him alive."