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Besides, with the country in constant uproar, there were few markets left for most merchandise, nor was there aught made now which could be carried abroad. If your weaver is pressed as a fire-tube man he does not make cloth, and if your farmer is playing at rebellion, he does not buy slaves to till his fields.

Already, the garrisons had been retired from these, and I passed through them all in turn, unchallenged and unchecked, and came to that busy rampart where the twelve Priests left alive worked, stripped to the waist, at heaving down the murderous rocks. For awhile I busied myself at their side, stopping an occasional fire-tube dart or arrow on my shield and passing them the tidings.

"Are you alone at your camp yonder?" "Umph!" said the Indian, nodding affirmatively. "You had better stay here till your foot's well. I reckon that gun can be repaired, too. Only the stock is broken." The Indian's eyes gleamed, showing that this statement pleased him vastly. Crow Wing's "fire-tube" was his most precious possession. "Me thought no good," he said.

The small water-tube is preferable to the small fire-tube connecting furnace and chimney, as its surface is exposed more directly to the flames; also it increases, instead of decreasing, the total volume of water in the boiler. A Vertical Boiler. The absence of a water jacket to the furnace is partly compensated by fitting six water-tubes in the bottom.

For use over a spirit or Swedish petroleum stove the first two types are most convenient; the third will work well on a stove or an open fire; and the last proves very efficient on an open fire. One may take it that, as a general rule, areas of heating surface being equal, the water-tube kettle will boil more quickly than the fire-tube. Fire-tube Kettles.

The two men were killed by the chief, but the 'captain, seeing himself thus entrapped, seized his Indian guide and fastened him before as a shield, and thus sent out so much of his magic thunder from his fire-tube that he killed or wounded many of the Indians, and yet kept himself from harm though his clothes were torn with arrow-shots.