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Then the various drill calls, and recalls, and sick-call and the beautiful stable-call for the cavalry, when the horses are groomed and watered, the thrilling fire-call and the startling assembly, or call-to-arms, when every soldier jumps for his rifle and every officer buckles on his sword, and a woman's heart stands still.

It was so natural that I bolted away and lost my party before I discovered that it was a hoax." "Did you recognize any of the fight party, Mr. Hall? "No, sir; I was not close enough, and the night is dark." "Did you recognize the voice of the man who gave the fire-call?" "No, sir; at any rate, I believe that the voice was disguised."

"Who the hell are you?" blustered the yardmaster. "Engineer in charge," answered Blake, holding out Ashton's order. "Bridge in danger error in plans overloaded and weather report says wind! Jones, toot up your whistle fire-call anything! I want every man of every shift out here in two shakes."

Sound the fire-call. All hands to quarters. Lead along the hose. Follow me," he cried, hurrying forward through the gathering smoke, "this ship must be saved." And so it was strictly in conformity with the old laws that fire burns, water quenches, and every man must do his duty promptly. On these ancient principles, and others equally venerable, the hospital carried on its good work.