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For Secretary of State, he nominated William M. Evarts of New York, an eminent lawyer who had aided Charles Francis Adams in his diplomatic battle with England during the Civil War and later in the Geneva Arbitration, had shown wit and finesse in the defence of Andrew Johnson in the impeachment trial, and had valiantly assisted the Republican cause before the Electoral Commission.

Comedy runs broader than it does at home and some of the most excellent artists have learned a touch of buffoonery. The public taste condones it, may even be said to relish it to finesse. The critics of the Press are, in the main, too favourable, but that is a stricture which applies to modern criticism in general. There is a desire to say smooth words everywhere and to keep things pleasant.

The game was usually vingt-et-un; and the Great Captain took much pleasure in cheating, holding through several deals the cards necessary to complete the required number, and was much amused when he won the game by this finesse. I furnished the sum necessary for his game, and as soon as he returned to his quarters received orders to make out his account.

Doncaster, a dunce Stratford, a miser Coleman, a knave Naresby, non compos Skreene, the most corrupt of the corrupt Twisselton, puzzle headed Waltham, a mere theorist Wrexfield, a speechifier Chelsea, a trimmer Lancaster, deep and dark Sir Thomas Cope, a wit, a poet, and a fool Sir James Skipworth, finance and finesse Arnold, able and active and Oldfield, a diplomatist in grain.

"What do you suppose I've been hanging around for?" demanded Peter, with what impressed me as an absence of finesse. "To fix the windmill, of course," I told him. "Unless you have improper designs on Struthers!" He laughed a little and looked up at the Great Bear.

"There is doubtless some finesse of the English language that I do not comprehend," said I. "I'll contrive, however, to make my meaning very plain to ye, Mosha le Viscount," she continued. "I suppose you desire to be considered a gentleman?" "Can you doubt it, madam?" said I. "I doubt very much, at least, whether you go the right way about it," she said.

Their cutlass-drill is like a woman's fling of the arm to fetch a slap from behind her shoulder. Pinking beats chopping. These English 'll have their lesson. It 's like what you call good writing: the simple way does the business, and that's the most difficult to learn, because you must give your head to it, as those French fellows do. 'Trop de finesse' is rather their fault.

Probably it might then have been possible to attach him finally to the Court party; but Mazarin could not believe that the Coadjutor, so fertile in tricks, so full of finesse, was capable of anything like frankness and generosity.

Yet such was his tact and his finesse that within three years after the treaty of Ryswick he had secured the respect of the feeble Charles II and the gratitude of the Spanish people.

But Sunday came again and Thurston, with a little bit of human self-deception and finesse, avoided the forest path, where he had met her the preceding Sabbath, and saying to himself that he would not waylay her, took the river road, refusing to confess even to himself that he acted upon the calculation that she also would take the same road, in order to avoid meeting him in the forest.