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I had been wrong, while thinking myself cleverer than he. "There must be some other way of clearing Eagle," I said desperately. "I hope so, with my whole heart; although I've always had a sneaking admiration for Vandyke, too. He's such a dashed fine-looking chap, a credit to the army, and all that. To clear March really clear him, without leaving a stain of carelessness even means to ruin Vandyke.

No remarks were required from me. At the proper moment he asked me to make the tour of the rooms, and offered his arm. As we were crossing the hall, I saw Despond, hat in hand, and in faultless evening dress, bowing to Miss Munster. "Your Cousin Desmond, and mine, is a fine-looking man, is he not? Let us speak to him." I drew back. "I'll not interrupt his devoir." He bowed submissively.

This bevy of young girls became so engrossed in watching the progress of the romance which was then being enacted in their presence, that they forgot to flirt themselves, and took pains to help it on in every possible way. "It will be just the nicest match in the world," said Edith Brown, delightfully. "Mr. Palmer is a fine-looking old gentleman, and Mrs.

The horses being heavily packed, and the spinifex distressing them so much, we found a convenient spot where the animals could water without bogging, and camped. Hard by, were some clumps of the fine-looking casuarinas; they grow to a height of twenty to twenty-five feet of barrel without a branch, and then spread out to a fine umbrella top; they flourish out of pure red sand.

Besides, her upper works were strong and sound, but below she was too evidently of a very different character, like many another fine-looking craft. Morning came at length. Adair urged Saint Maur to go on shore. "I don't hide from myself that crossing the bar will be an undertaking of considerable danger some, if not all of us, may be lost," said the captain.

"They were soon within shot, and selecting a fine-looking buck which led the way, I fired, and the animal rolled over. The instant I had pulled the trigger I jumped up and began reloading my piece, being thus able to send another shot after the herd, which at the report immediately took to flight.

"Where are they?" cried the youngest boy, with his cheeks flushing and eyes sparkling. "A day's journey away, my boy. The people over Farringdon way have asked for help, and the King sends me." "That's right," cried the boy who had last spoken. "We'll go with you." The leader smiled and shook his head, and the band of fine-looking, picked men indulged in a hearty laugh.

He was not a fine-looking man, he was not well educated, his manners were doubtful, and his way of speaking by no means seductive; in fine, I saw nothing captivating about him, and yet I could be a witness to his having made two girls leave their homes to follow him. I lost myself in conjecture; but I had no premonition of what was to happen in the course of a few weeks.

It was during the last verse that the parlor door opened softly, and a tall, fine-looking man, erect, with beautiful silver curling hair, and firm lines about the handsome, clean-shaven mouth, appeared on the threshold and stood waiting. As the singing finished, Miss Pinsett shook her head at him. "You were always coming in and breaking up the singing, Tom Endover," she said.

They will be a fine-looking couple," she struggled to acknowledge with becoming politeness and impartiality. "This is the first time I have heard of it, I can say with truth," said Dora wearily, without so much as a smile at the characteristic report. She thought the mention of it most unsuitable at such a season. The very word marriage smote her.