United States or Palau ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

[Illustration: FIG.

When the vines were stripped of their clusters, and the ploughed fields stood bare and brown in the autumnal sun when the fig trees lost their leaves, and their white branches took on that peculiarly gaunt appearance which characterises them as soon as the wintry winds begin to blow a solitary traveller plodded wearily across the Lombardy plains, asking, as he went, for the road that would lead him to the village and monastery of San Stefano.

We had been much delighted with the new and lovely scenery of our road: the prickly cactus, and aloe, with its white flowers; the Indian fig; the white and yellow jasmine; the fragrant vanilla, throwing round its graceful festoons. Above all, the regal pineapple grew in profusion, and we feasted on it, for the first time, with avidity.

Presently the sun rose higher, and a flood of light illumined the whole valley, which lay some few hundred feet below us a perfect garden, such as no northern imagination could picture forth; a garden of sugar-canes, cotton, and nopal-trees, intermixed with thickets of pomegranate and strawberry-trees, and groves of orange, fig, and lemon, giants of their kind, shooting up to a far greater height than the oak attains in the States every tree a perfect hothouse, a pyramid of flowers, covered with bloom and blossom to its topmost spray.

I would not give a fig for any Christian who did not keep his word. Well, we gave our word to Belgium. The Germans did so, too, but, like the brutes they are, they violated theirs, and when Belgium appealed to us, and asked us to keep our word, could we refuse? Could any Christian refuse? No, by gad, no!" "But, Admiral, don't you see that " "Look here, Bob, I want no more talking.

A Yankee officer in full fig minus only the boots, which could not be got on to his swollen feet was something worth seeing, and those who came to scoff remained to stare. What most interested them, I think, was my eating an entertainment that was prolonged to a late hour. They were a trifle disappointed by the absence of horns, hoof and tail, but bore their chagrin with good-natured fortitude.

Here, write it down in my address book.... '7 Fig Tree Court, Temple' What a jolly address! Are there fig trees in the Temple ... still? P'raps descended from cuttings or layers the poor Templars brought from the Holy Land." David returned to Fig Tree Court and his studies of criminology.

She repeated her question imperiously, as Cecil kept silent. "You will go to-night?" He shrugged his shoulders. He did not care to discuss his Colonel's orders with this pretty little Bacchante. "Oh, a chief's command, you know " "Ah, a fig for a chief!" retorted Cigarette impatiently. "Why don't you say the truth? You are thinking you will disobey, and risk the rest!" "Well, why not?

Then for a minute for so long a time that she began to wonder and to quake he was silent. At last, "A fig for your gratitude," he said. "I want your love! I suppose cold as you are, and a Huguenot you can love like other women!"

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. They don't give a fig for you, benefactress, not a fig. They aren't a little bit afraid of you! MADAM ULANBÉKOV. They're going to find out pretty quick whether I amount to anything. Enter POTÁPYCH and NÁDYA. GAVRÍLOVNA and LÍZA look through the door. The same, POTÁPYCH and NÁDYA MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Nadezhda!