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It took some time to get that across in broken French and English; then Henry, talking very slowly and in his best oratorical voice, with his foot on the fortissimo, cried: "Say! We are paying," at the dazed look in the valet's face Henry repeated slower and louder, "We are paying, I say, fifteen-dollars fif-teen dollars a day for these rooms. You go ask Mrs.

Dick ran to get the deed, for these were the days before registration in Canada; possession of the deed was possession of the farm, and to lose the deed was to lose the land. The old man tremblingly fumbled over the money, seeming to count it "Yes just fif-teen hun'erd," as Dick came clumping down the ladder with the deed. "Have you got a pen and ink "

THE YOUNG MAN: I have always loved poetry. I can remember to this day the first poem I ever learned by heart. It was "Evangeline." JULIE: That's a fib. THE YOUNG MAN: Did I say "Evangeline"? I meant "The Skeleton in Armor." JULIE: I'm a low-brow. But I can remember my first poem. It had one verse: Parker and Davis Sittin' on a fence Tryne to make a dollar Outa fif-teen cents.

Now suppose we stompede the first bunch that comes on our range and scatter 'em to hell that's fif-teen thousand dol-lars gone! God A'mighty, boys, think of losin' that much real money when you're on the make like Jim Swope! W'y, Jim would go crazy, he'd throw a fit and, more than that, fellers," he added, sinking his voice to a confidential whisper, "he'd go round.