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However, Sandoz, compassionating the scragginess of the girl, whom he kept watching, judged her in one sentence. 'Ah! the poor little flayed kitten. One feels sorry for her. 'Let them alone! exclaimed Claude, ferociously. 'They have all the crimes of the middle classes stamped on their faces; they reek of scrofula and idiocy. It serves them right.

They may bombard us from the woods with rocks!" warned Joe Clausin. "Just let 'em try, that's all. We'll chase the stone thrower to a standstill, and then he'll be sorry he wandered away from his happy home this night!" Bobolink declared, ferociously. So they walked along in detached groups, many eyes were on the alert, and listening ears bent to catch some sign of a lurking foe.

The pony uttered a loud snort and plunged into the bushes. There he paused, wheeled, and peered out suspiciously at the boy and the bear. Tad's shot had gone home. His aim had been true. Yet the sting of the bullet served only to anger the bear still further. With an angry growl, it turned and charged the lad ferociously.

Hate me as ferociously as you like. That is a detail. You are in the house of a woman whose name stands for shame and infamy and crime." "What are YOU doing in it " she cried again, " in a place where girls are trapped-and locked up in top rooms to be killed?" "I came to take you away. I wish to do it quietly.

And it was fitting, moreover, that they should fight alone and unwitnessed, armed only with the weapons of the wilderness, for they were both of the far, free lands, were both of the fighter's type, and had both warred for the first, great prize. They met ferociously.

To these he recounted the scene which had taken place, raving the while so ferociously against Viglius as to induce the supposition that something serious was intended against him. The report flew from mouth to mouth. The affair became the town talk, so that, in the words of the President, it was soon discussed by every barber and old woman in Brussels.

His subordinate swayed to and fro, clasping and unclasping his hands behind his back, and regarded me with an expression of almost benevolence. The Black Holster guarded the doorway. Turning on me ferociously: "Your friend is wicked, very wicked, SAVEZ-VOUS?" Le Directeur shouted. I answered quietly: "Oui? Je ne le savait pas."

Freund tumbled convulsively to the ground at his colonel's feet, gripping the officer's booted knees and screeching for protection. The colonel, raging that the surprise attack should be imperiled by such a racket, beat the frantic man over the mouth with his heavy fist, kicking ferociously at his upturned writhing face, and snarling to him to be silent.

There's a feel in the air like what the Injuns call 'The White Death. It hurt my lungs like I was breathin' darnin' needles when I cut this wood. The drifts is ten feet high and gittin' higher." Laconically: "The horses have quit us; we're afoot." "Is that so? Well, we've got to get out of here I refuse to put in another such night. Lie still!" he commanded ferociously.

Horrocleave had already nearly eaten an old man alive for the sin of asking whether he had hurt himself! And he had not hurt himself because two days previously he had ferociously stopped the odd-man of the works from wasting his time in mending just that identical stair, and had asserted that the stair was in excellent condition.