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"Ne soyez pas honteuse d'être allemande jusqu'aux gaucheries.... Le Français vous estimera plus et fera plus de compte sur vous s'il vous trouve la solidité et la franchise allemande." Maria Teresa to Marie Antoinette. May 8th, 1771, Arneth, i., p. 159. Walpole's letter to Sir H. Mann, June 8th, 1771, v., p. 301. Mercy to Maria Teresa, January 23d, 1772, Arneth, i., p. 265.

21. II, pp. 108-18, 123. The feast was still a thing of the future when the Ménagier thus gathered all the details. He calls it 'L'ordenance de nopces que fera maistre Helye en May,

If I were to judge by that expression of popular opinion which the press pretends to convey, I should reply without hesitation that never in any other known age of the world have such pernicious principles been so prevalent "Qua terra patet, fera regnat Erinnys; In facinus jurasse putes." Sir Thomas More.

Les demoiselles anglaises! Ce sont des fagotages inouïs pour la plus part, with their movements of the wooden horse and their skins of the goddess! As for le fiancé, il était assez retenu, il avait pourtant l'air maussade, mais il se consolait avec du champagne il fera un très brave mari." The next day Augustus went to London by the early train.

Mon portrait jusqu'ici ne m'a rien reproche; Mais pour mon frere l'ours, on ne l'a qu'ebauche; Jamais, s'il me veut croire, il ne se fera peindre." Granting that his brother the bear lacked perfection in details, his own figure as monkey was not necessarily ideal or decorative, nor was he in the least sure what form it might take even in one generation.

"Only take care you and your Cossacks are not all captured!" said the French grenadier. The French onlookers and listeners laughed. "We'll make you dance as we did under Suvorov...," * said Dolokhov. * "On vous fera danser." "Qu' est-ce qu'il chante?" * asked a Frenchman. * "What's he singing about?" "It's ancient history," said another, guessing that it referred to a former war.

Lorsqu'on trouvera une plaine rase et un lieu pour combattre avec avantage on en profitera; mais alors on ne fera qu'un seul corps de bataille. L'avant garde et l'arriere-garde seront employées

But Steele, quoting from memory, altered the words to his purpose. No. 34. Monday, April 9, 1711 Addison. ... parcit Cognatis maculis similis fera ... Juv.

An English family of our acquaintance, who had settled at Aix, and who wished to see company, imagined, naturally, that it would be necessary to go through all the tedious process of preliminary introductions, which are necessary in England. A French friend was consulted upon the subject, and his advice was as simple as it was effectual: "Donnez un souper, cela fera courir tout le monde."

Of these dates a considerable part is brought to Medina from distant quarters, and especially from Fera, a fertile valley in the possession of the Beni Aamer tribe, where there are numerous date-groves: it is three or four days' journey from Medina, and as many from Rabegh in the mountains.