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If, in order to attain to reproduction, the male depended primarily upon securing a female whether by winning or fighting matters not at the moment if her possession constituted the sole difference in his external environment between success and failure, then surely one would suppose that an advantage must rest with those individuals which, instead of rushing forward and inflicting upon themselves a life of temporary isolation, remained with the females and increased their opportunities for developing that mutual appreciation which, by some, is held to be a necessary prelude to the completion of the sexual act, and to which close companionship would tend to impart a stimulus.

From these considerations it is evident, that with females the maiden principle is changed into that of a wife, and with men the youthful principle is changed into that of a husband. That this is the case, was experimentally confirmed to me in the spiritual world, as follows: Some men asserted, that conjunction with a female before marriage is like conjunction with a wife after marriage.

There had been difficulty in gathering together on this occasion, in the house of Salathiel, even the ten individuals that formed the smallest number deemed by the Hebrews sufficient for the due celebration of the feast. Three of the persons present were females, two of them belonging to Salathiel's own family.

"Pay attention to that, Ninian," Gilbert went on. "You have a weakness for females, I've noticed!" Ninian, suddenly forgetting his fatigue, sat up in his seat. "I say, let's jaw about women," he said. "No," Gilbert replied. "We won't ... not at this hour of the morning!" But, disregarding his decision, he went on, "My view of women is that we all make too much fuss about 'em!

If the appropriate condition which leads the females to seek males were to arise in each individual at a late date, the first stage in the process mating would not be completed before the second the discharge of the sexual function were due to begin.

The females of these nine species resemble each other in their general type of coloration; and they likewise resemble both sexes of the species in several allied genera found in various parts of the world. Hence we may infer that these nine species, and probably all the others of the genus, are descended from an ancestral form which was coloured in nearly the same manner.

Even Catharine lent a willing hand to assist the females in bringing up the stores, and sundry baskets containing fruits and other small wares.

Total Charge Males Females Arrests Assault and Battery 6,077 1,667 7,744 Assault with intent to kill 197 1 198 Attempt at rape 40 40 Abortion 2 2 4 Bastardy 141 141 Bigamy 14 5 19 Disorderly conduct 8,542 5,412 13,954 Intoxication 11,482 4,936 16,418 Juvenile delinquents 154 25 179 Kidnapping 20 5 25 Suspicious persons 1,617 440 2,057 Vagrancy 978 838 1,816 Arson 35 35 Attempts to steal 236 9 245 Burglary 291 3 294 Forgery 151 3 154 Fraud 104 17 121 Grand Larceny 1,675 946 2,621 Gambling 249 3 252 Highway robbery 199 6 205 Keeping disorderly house 177 165 342 Picking pockets 225 20 275 Petit larceny 3,380 1,860 5,240 Passing counterfeit money 414 46 460 Receiving stolen goods 166 51 217 Swindling 5 3 8 Violations of the Sunday laws 183 20 203

Although he was eminently favored with the gift of chastity, he nevertheless avoided with great care the conversation of females, and he said to those with whom he was intimate, who were surprised at it: "I should perhaps lose the gift with which I have been favored, by a just judgment of God, if I took fewer precautions: he who loves danger will perish in it."

To begin with Trout: Catch as many as you can conveniently obtain upon the spawning beds, and examine them carefully one by one, to see that the spawn and milt are in a fit state for exclusion; and also to enable you to separate the males from the females.